
by Gamergirl0273on

Original Post

Re: Sims always starting fires when cooking

★ Novice

I have this bug (?) too. It's almost impossible to cook anything other than a salad because 99% of the time the stove is bursting into flames. Cooking lvl 10, no cursed plots etc as well. I also have all of the game packs you mentioned, I can't pinpoint on whether it started before or after I got high school years. Hopefully this is patched in the next update, because it's getting increasingly more annoying to deal with. Glad I found someone with the same problem and my game isn't just dumb haha. 

Message 11 of 21 (1,548 Views)


★★ Novice

I am having an issue in my Sims 4 game. Multiple fires a day on the stove while sim is cooking. Also fireplace already lit starts a fire.

Message 12 of 21 (1,569 Views)

Re: Sims always starting fires when cooking

@tamaraaaple etc means you have no Sims with fear of fire ?

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
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Important Threads

Message 13 of 21 (1,524 Views)

Re: Sims always starting fires when cooking

★★ Novice

No Sims with fear of fire. Cooking Level at 10. Base game stove. Happens everytime they cook. I do not have the High School expansion pack, but I did notice a recent update a few days ago and this has been happening since then.

Message 14 of 21 (1,512 Views)

Re: Sims always starting fires when cooking

★★ Novice
@tamaraaaple Same and I don't have the High School exp pack. But since update it has been doing it.
Message 15 of 21 (1,511 Views)

Re: Sims always starting fires when cooking

@Gamergirl0273on and you also don't have tense Sims or cursed lot trait ?

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

Important Threads

Message 16 of 21 (1,508 Views)

Re: Sims always starting fires when cooking

★★ Novice

No. Neither trait.

Message 17 of 21 (1,497 Views)

Re: Sims always starting fires when cooking

@Gamergirl0273on Would you mind sending me your save ? Instructions in my signature

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

Important Threads

Message 18 of 21 (1,495 Views)

Re: Sims always starting fires when cooking

★★ Novice

Mine seems to have stopped after deleting all saved games and turning off mods. I think it may have been a mod I was using. Thank you for your help.

Message 19 of 21 (1,325 Views)

Re: Unexplained fires

★ Guide

Hi, sorry for late reply! I wasn't able to recreate the problem without mods, so one mod must have done it

Message 20 of 21 (1,368 Views)

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