[MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black/red/... eyes

by 1979steppinghill

Original Post

Re: [MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black eyes

★★★ Novice
@Sweetshafira_03 HEY, i tried that also, but didnt worked theyre still using vampire eyes
Message 21 of 88 (9,196 Views)

Re: [MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black eyes

★ Novice

I'm also having the same problem. I took out every section I had and couldn't pinpoint which mod is causing the issue. Only when I take out the entire mods folder is the problem fixed. 


Message 22 of 88 (9,159 Views)

Re: hi, so the infants they all have vampire eyes, i already tried

★★★ Newbie

Delete these cc worked for me reticulated daydreaming eyes 

Message 23 of 88 (8,944 Views)

Re: hi, so the infants they all have vampire eyes, i already tried

★★★ Newbie

Yes I remember deleted this eyes cc and it worked, so don't use default eyes cc and this daydreaming eyes cc. 

Message 24 of 88 (8,927 Views)

Re: [MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black eyes

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

me too!! i took out all my eye cc and im left with no color selection menu and i cant change it out of occult eyes when it is a human baby. it is a real tedious process to check which cc is causing the problem as my game takes a mere 5 minutes to load up and its driving me crazy going back and forth. I really hope this issue is resolved

Message 25 of 88 (8,831 Views)

Re: [MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black eyes

★★★ Newbie

Hi!! I had the same problem, I removed the "Eye Shine Remover" and the occult defaults are gone and I can change them. If you have that, try removing it and see if that is the problem.

Message 26 of 88 (8,713 Views)

Re: [MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black eyes

★ Novice

hi i have a similar issue except their eyes are light brown and almost bloodshot? i was just wondering if anyone has been a literal hero and has already made infant eye overlays or skin details or literally any infant cc

Message 27 of 88 (8,678 Views)

Re: [MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black eyes

★★ Novice

Deleted the eye shine remover mod and it solved my problem! No random occult eyes and my eye color swatches came back. Didn't even have to delete any non default eye cc. Wondering

Message 28 of 88 (8,551 Views)

Re: [MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black eyes

★★★★ Guide
@snailprobation eye shine remover has an update Standard smile check the creators social for it!
Message 29 of 88 (8,529 Views)

Re: [MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black eyes

★★★ Novice

Im having the exact same problem! i have spent so long going through my mods folder to delete ALL my eye cc and it still wont fix anything! going back and forth into the game is killinnngg me

Message 30 of 88 (7,803 Views)

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