Re: [MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black eyes

by crinrict

Original Post

Re: [MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black eyes

★★★★★ Novice
@amymellow07 same, it’s so irritating. I can’t even load infants into the game, they just don’t appear in my household. It’s so irritating and no one else is talking about it except on here.
Message 31 of 88 (10,623 Views)

Re: [MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black eyes

★★★★★ Novice
@amymellow07 not only are the infants stretched out and have vampire eyes in my game but they can’t even speak, so like everything about them is broken. I waited for this update forever and I can’t even get into it.
Message 32 of 88 (10,620 Views)

Re: [MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black eyes

★★★ Newbie

for the they didnt appear until I took out my trait mods. I still have the eye problem though.

Message 33 of 88 (10,615 Views)

Re: [MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black eyes

★★★★★ Apprentice
@Raiynnie I removed whole mods folder And tray files folder And the problem didnt go away ☹️☹️☹️ What to do?😭
Message 34 of 88 (10,584 Views)

Re: [MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black eyes

★★★ Newbie

I'm not completely sure, but ive had times where I would delete a mod but it would still appear in the game. I think it might be something to do with Onedrive or icloud reinstalling them? it's weird and im not a computer technician lol maybe try repairing the game and see if that works too. the latter would probably fix it.

Message 35 of 88 (10,568 Views)

Re: [MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black eyes

★★★★ Expert

I saw someone on YouTube who had this issue with custom eyelashes, so it's not just the eyes. Try it without ALL your CC, alas.

Message 36 of 88 (10,490 Views)

Re: [MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black eyes

★★★ Novice
@gnarkills2 my infant sims keep randomly stretching and its so annoyingg omg. i was so excited for the update yet its so buggy!! and with the eyes, ive gone through my entire mods folder and removed every single eye cc but they still have vampire eyes ugghhh
Message 37 of 88 (10,477 Views)

Re: [MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black eyes

★★★ Novice
@Raiynnie that happens with me too! so much cc i have deleted has ended up magically reappearing in my mods folder a couple days later and i constantly have to delete them.
Message 38 of 88 (10,407 Views)

Re: [MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black eyes

★★★ Newbie

I have had the same problem. I searched for 2 hours and deleted every eye cc I had. My problem was the eye shine remover. It worked after I took that out!

Message 39 of 88 (10,283 Views)

Re: [MOD RELATED] Infants have occult/black eyes

[ Edited ]

Mods/CC that can cause this issue (there might be more, let me know if there's others not listed)


  • Default Eye Replacements
  • Eye Shine Remover

If you have issues with infants stretching in CAS and otherwise, please use this thread: [MOD RELATED] Infants stretching 

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 40 of 88 (66,084 Views)

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