Fix a corrupted save?

by Orarity83

Original Post

Fix a corrupted save?

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

Hello dear forum members,

I believe that my save has been corrupted by a mod, as my game has been crashing for no reason for the past week, in a totally random way.


It turns out that I've already removed the mod responsible for the crashes, unfortunately I guess that the damage is already done, and that my files are already corrupted.


I installed Better Exceptions to get a better understanding of the source of the crashes, but that doesn't really help, as the mod has already been removed.... I'd like to know if there's a way of fixing my save, by fiddling with the files? I've already tried to play without mods, the game keeps crashing randomly. I've also tested using backups of my save, but the game ends up crashing after a while, and I've also repaired the game. The only solution I've found to stop these crashes is to reinstall the game, and not play this save, but I'd rather try to save it before giving up for good.


If anyone has any ideas on how to fix my save, I'll leave the lastException attached.


Thank you in advance for your replies!
Have a nice day!



Message 1 of 3 (230 Views)

Re: Fix a corrupted save?

[ Edited ]

@Orarity83 Did you remove a mod that adds custom holidays as part of what it does? It might be a complex mod that does some other things as well. You might want to try re-adding mods and updating those with available updates from


Also, try a "Save As," which will sometimes clear this error.

Sul sul!
I don't work for EA, and I don't do private support.
I do receive products from EA as part of the EA Creator Network.
Have you backed up your Saves? Checked for broken and updated mods/CC?
Message 2 of 3 (214 Views)

Re: Fix a corrupted save?

★★★ Newbie

Hi, Hello, thank you for your reply!
Yes indeed, it was a mod that added custom holidays. I'll try to follow your advice, thanks!

Message 3 of 3 (185 Views)

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