Re: Can't always live in university grounds

by GanisHarret

Original Post

Can't always live in university grounds

★ Novice



I've been having an issue with the university pack for some years already. When I should have the option of moving to live on the university grounds, it just doesn't let me, as if there wouldn't exist the option. Other times it gives me the option to live in the university area, but always I get one period done, I have to move, and the place I was already living doesn't show anymore as an option. Then, there are times I have the option to live in the apartments, not in the house. So, as can be seen, it's a huge mess and it's pretty boring having to deal with such small issues that, still, make a difference in the gameplay. There's no reason for not being able to live on the university grounds while I'm enrolled in the course.


Today I tried with a new sim for being able to show a print, and there it is, absolutely no option to study inside the university campus.


I edited the world print to show that there's nothing wrong with the lots, so I remain not understanding why my sim can't live in the campus!

Message 1 of 3 (287 Views)

Re: Can't always live in university grounds

★★★★ Expert

Did you maybe accidentally set the university housing to be for the other school? Most dorms are for one school or the other…

Message 2 of 3 (259 Views)

Re: Can't always live in university grounds

★ Novice
@xochiquetzl_xkvn I didn't even know there was option to change the university housing. I'll enter the lots and look for it to check it out. Thanks!
Message 3 of 3 (234 Views)

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