May - last edited July
About This Thread
NOTE: This thread is now obsolete. For current info, see the pinned posts in Mod/CC Issues
This thread tracks Sims 4 mods and CC that have been "broken" or made obsolete by game updates or declared unsupported by their creators. It also tracks updated game mods and major updates to custom content. If you use mods, this thread's lists and ongoing reports can help you prevent game errors and help you avoid having to do a 50-50 of all your mods. Consider subscribing to the thread to receive notifications by email (select "Topic Options").
NOTE: This thread also covers the June 6, 2024, mini-patch.
Some things are NOT covered:
In the end, YOU are responsible for your mod use. Because not all content and creators are covered on this official forum, many of you should be following creators directly for news. The pinned topic How to Use Mods and CC includes advice about game updates, mod management, finding broken mods, and how to avoid downloading broken content. See the topic on Malicious Script Mods for further information on one kind of issue to watch for. And remember… Back up your Saves folder!
Posts are linked here when they have list content:
Other Resources
Need to tell me something?
If you're a creator, I welcome being contacted about known issues, updates, patch compatibility (although I’m now posting “cleared” for fewer creators/mods, I track it for support), mod adoption, and other news. My DMs are also open for creators here and on Tumblr (luthsthings). I can be reached on Discord from many Sims 4 creators' and Sims 4 support servers.
I do not respond to DMs for support unless I've asked you specifically to DM me.
May - last edited July
Newly Broken/Obsolete Game Mods
See also the Previously Broken list below for mods broken by earlier game updates. Updated includes mods that were broken, not just feature updates. For CAS and Build/Buy custom content (CC) and Build/Buy object game mods — including for CC that's broken with DirectX 11 (and that can break loading) — see two posts down.
Last updated: July 21
Selected Known Issues
Broken only in DX11
NOT mod-related
NOT Obsolete
May - last edited Tuesday
Updated Game Mods and Tools
Last updated: July 23
(S) = script mod (only these mods should have a .ts4script file); transl. = translation-only update; CF = Curseforge; MTS = Mod the Sims; Patr. = Patreon; SFS = Sims File Share
May - last edited July
Newly Broken/Obsolete CC and Build/Buy Game Mods
See also the Previously Broken list below for a selection of CC and B/B game mods broken by earlier game updates. Note that some CC is broken only if you enable DirectX 11.
Last updated: July 17
Broken CC
Symptoms of CC broken for DirectX 11 include obvious visual problems, inability to load a save, inability to load a lot, and inability to save a game. You might not get symptoms of lot loading or game saving failure until you’ve placed an item in a lot.
Broken CC: with DirectX 11
Updated CC and Build/Buy Game Mods
NOTES: Cosmetic upgrades and minor tagging improvements are not included here. Updated CC should include a reason for the update, should be in the creator’s usual place to post, and should not include a .ts4script file.
I’ve noticed that many CC creators have been updating walls lately. Some of these updates might be for compatibility with DirectX 11, but most CC creators don’t post a changelog. This means I have no idea if an update fixes a problem or, like most CC updates historically, is just for tagging and thumbnails and the like. If you’re a CC creator, please add changelogs. Same for those of you posting updates to things like CAS backgrounds. Some of these categories seem to get a lot of tiny updates that aren’t fixes. I’d like to help you get word out when the update is a fix.
Last updated: July 22
(S) = script mod (only these mods should have a .ts4script file); transl. = translation-only update; CF = Curseforge; MTS = Mod the Sims; Patr. = Patreon
May - last edited July
Index to this post
Core and Injector Mods: Current Versions
This list covers "true" core/injector script mods and venue lists (which are not script mods); it not not cover mods that are equivalent to recipe enablers. The current version number (if used), file date, and download sources are provided. The most commonly required mods are emphasized.
Key: CF = Curseforge
Last Updated: July 21, 2024
Cleared by Creator for This Patch
ALSO: These mods are not cleared for use with the new opt-in DirectX 11 setting unless specified here. Maxis has noted that some mods will cause visual problems in this first implementation of this new opt-in feature. This includes issues with custom icons.
Last updated: July 18
May - last edited June
Previously Broken Mods
Obsolete/Unsupported as of Patch 1.106 (Mar. 16)
These mods are either bugfixes that are no longer needed or mods that are no longer supported. For recently broken mods, see below.
Previously Broken
NOTE: This is a selected (NOT complete) list. Some modders have a note here to “presume all broken” based on a combination of how some mods are known broken and their inactivity. This list excludes many retired mods, many obsolete bugfixes, and many mods that have been long, long broken. However, it can be a helpful step and save many people from having to do a 50-50. The CC list is very selective.. See also: [CURRENT ISSUE] Malicous Script Mods and Malware
Many script mods updated for patch 1.103 needed to be reupdated for patch 1.105 to avoid a tunable_perf LE on game loading. Many script and nonscript mods need updating after patch 1.105 to work for players who don’t own all packs. For both these new issues, not all broken mods have been identified. See the 1.105 Updated list as well.
LE = last exception
Known Issues
Broken Mods
… and a Few Recently Broken CC Items with Unexpected Impacts or Still Seen Here Often
Note: Some things are duplicated here and in the list above if they’re build/buy gameplay mods.
Ongoing Reports
To keep up with reports on outdated and updated gameplay mods, CAS and Build/Buy custom content mods, new bugfix mods, and related Sims 4 tools — not just catch up when your game won't behave or you're returning to Sims 4 after a long break — you can subscribe to this thread. The top posts will be regularly updated with the more critical reports, but not all reports will appear there.
As noted in the top post, not all mods and creators are covered here. In the end, your use of mods is your responsibility.
Ongoing reports begin here.
May - last edited May
May 28
The patch notes have info about how to opt into DirectX 11 on Windows. But Maxis also says that if you opt in, “you may experience visual issues with mods”. However, this is likely going to affect CAS and Build/Buy custom content (CC). It shouldn’t affect gameplay mods. It’s currently unknown how much if affects CC. UPDATE: It's also affecting some custom icons that are part of gameplay mods.
Broken Mods
Obsolete Mods
NOT Obsolete
Updated Mods and CC
(S) = script mod (no other mods listed here should have a ts4script file); transl. = translation-only update; CF = Curseforge; MTS = Mod the Sims; Patr. = Patreon
NOTE: There were updates yesterday and this morning, too! See the previous list.
Clearing Mods for Patch 1.107
NOTE: These mods are not cleared for use with the new opt-in DirectX 11 setting unless specified here. Maxis has noted that some mods will cause visual problems in this first implementation of this new opt-in feature.
May - last edited May
May 28
Broken Mods
Updated Mods and CC
(S) = script mod (no other mods listed here should have a ts4script file); transl. = translation-only update; CF = Curseforge; MTS = Mod the Sims; Patr. = Patreon
Updated for the Previous Patch
Clearing Mods for Patch 1.107
NOTE: These mods are not cleared for use with the new opt-in DirectX 11 setting unless specified here. Maxis has noted that some mods will cause visual problems in this first implementation of this new opt-in feature.
May - last edited Tuesday
May 29
[creator no longer covered at AHQ due to game piracy]
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