sims 4 causes computer to crash and restart

by yulter30

Original Post

Accepted Solution

sims 4 causes computer to crash and restart

★★★ Newbie

Hey guys, is anyone else having this issue? ever since the latest update, after playing for 5 minutes, the game will crash and my laptop restarts. I've turned my mods off so they wouldn't interfere and have cleared cache, repaired the game multiple times, and checked to make sure there is enough app storage available. My Mac is running on Catalina v10.15.7 and I haven't have any issues until now.

Message 1 of 2 (201 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: sims 4 causes computer to crash and restart



Follow these steps to launch a new clean game -

Does it still happen with none of your current user data in the new Sims 4 folder?

The Sims 3 Mac Forum - | - The Sims 4 Mac Forum -
- Mac specific TS4 issues -
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Message 2 of 2 (178 Views)

All Replies

Re: sims 4 causes computer to crash and restart



Follow these steps to launch a new clean game -

Does it still happen with none of your current user data in the new Sims 4 folder?

The Sims 3 Mac Forum - | - The Sims 4 Mac Forum -
- Mac specific TS4 issues -
Please do not PM me unless I ask you to, I won't reply
- I am not affiliated with EA in anyway -
Message 2 of 2 (179 Views)