Re: Electronic Arts Folder and Sims 4 Deleted

by yourmom478

Original Post

Accepted Solution

Electronic Arts Folder and Sims 4 Deleted

★★ Novice

Hi guys! My issue has a whole long backstory, but long story short my Electronic Arts folder and Sims 4 folder were deleted from my computer.


Before that happened, my game would not upload new mods or CC. And now, even with the two folders gone (completely wiped off my computer as far as I can find), my game and the EA App functions as normal. I would just like, not question it but a few of my mods need updating so my game is glitchy and not fun to play.


I’ve tried deleting and redownloading the EA App and playing the Sims, but no new Electronic Arts or Sims 4 folder have been created in my documents. Does anyone know what I can do to get them to generate? Or if I can upload them from somewhere else? I have my mods, saves, and tray saved in Google Drive (not on my computer) so that’s not a worry. I’m sure this makes like 0 sense so pls lmk if you have questions. Quite literally anything would help bc I’m so confused on how or why my game is running rn. Thank you!!

Message 1 of 9 (640 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Electronic Arts Folder and Sims 4 Deleted

★★ Novice

Hi! Sorry for the delay. Here is what I got!


haleymiller@haleys-air ~ % find ~ -type d -name "*The Sims 4*" 2>/dev/null



/Users/haleymiller/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4

haleymiller@haleys-air ~ % 


When navigating this way (instead of just searching for the documents folder), I was able to find the mysterious Sims 4 folder!!! Thank you!!!

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Message 7 of 9 (457 Views)

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Re: Electronic Arts Folder and Sims 4 Deleted



Please open Terminal (Applications > Utilities) and copy and paste the following search command then hit Enter/Return:


find ~ -type d -name "*The Sims 4*" 2>/dev/null


After a little while it will return the results of the search. You'll know when it's finished searching because the command prompt will reappear. Please copy and paste the results in a post here..

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Message 2 of 9 (612 Views)

Re: Electronic Arts Folder and Sims 4 Deleted

★★ Novice

Hi Bluebellflora!! I'm not sure if I'm doing this right or if there's just no search results. I've opened utilities in the application section and used command F to copy and paste the command you gave. Nothing has come up with the search, but I also haven't seen the command prompt appear/reappear and it's been quite a while. Am I doing something wrong?

Message 3 of 9 (528 Views)

Re: Electronic Arts Folder and Sims 4 Deleted


Did you enter the command in Terminal? Terminal is an app in the Utilities folder.

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Message 4 of 9 (515 Views)

Re: Electronic Arts Folder and Sims 4 Deleted

★★ Novice

Oh, no! Thank you for explaining. Here's what came up:/

Message 5 of 9 (497 Views)

Re: Electronic Arts Folder and Sims 4 Deleted


The command hasn't finished searching - "You'll know when it's finished searching because the command prompt will reappear.". Please run it again and when it has finished, copy and paste the results here, a screenshot is not very useful.

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Message 6 of 9 (485 Views)

Re: Electronic Arts Folder and Sims 4 Deleted

★★ Novice

Hi! Sorry for the delay. Here is what I got!


haleymiller@haleys-air ~ % find ~ -type d -name "*The Sims 4*" 2>/dev/null



/Users/haleymiller/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4

haleymiller@haleys-air ~ % 


When navigating this way (instead of just searching for the documents folder), I was able to find the mysterious Sims 4 folder!!! Thank you!!!

Message 7 of 9 (458 Views)

Re: Electronic Arts Folder and Sims 4 Deleted


Great Standard smile Always manually navigate to it in Finder, never search as it is hidden from search results when in the correct location.

The Sims 3 Mac Forum - | - The Sims 4 Mac Forum -
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Message 8 of 9 (448 Views)

Re: Electronic Arts Folder and Sims 4 Deleted

★★ Novice

Thank you so so muchStandard smile I'll keep that in mind!

Message 9 of 9 (341 Views)