Admit defeat and rework mirage. (not a battlepass rant)

by BigDuckEnergyBOI

Original Post

Admit defeat and rework mirage. (not a battlepass rant)

★ Novice

If keeping mirage relevant has proven to be a "Sisyphean task" as per your words, then it's time to admit defeat and change him. "Buffing" his decoy to have health did nothing for him because the decoys almost do nothing in the first place, they're so heavily outclassed by crypto and bloodhound. The brief second of information isn't valuable; it's literally better to open your eyes and spot them with the ping feature. Sure, I've pulled off some really great fake-outs with his decoys, but that's one in every fifty fights I take where it actually works. His ultimate is complete garbage, the only use of it is cutting line of sight, and even then, any halfway decent player will see the mirage who actually has a gun on his back or follow your footsteps and gun you down while you're stuck in animation lock. He's still the only character in the game with a passive that only works when he gets downed, and his revive is a joke compared to how outlandishly strong lifeline's revive is. Which is a really great segue into saying why is he even designed like this? Why is he designed to be a strange Frankenstein of other characters mashed together but worse? His only identity gameplay-wise is his terrible decoys.


I want to end this mini-rant by saying I love mirage, I really do. He's my favourite character to play because his personality is just so much fun, but everything else about him is trash. He's poorly designed and needs to be changed. His whole kit revolving around the decoys is killing my mood to both play him, and play this game, let alone even attempt to take him into ranked. I'd never want to burden my team with that when I could be playing something much better. At least give back his old ultimate where he had long invisibility and speed, it still won't make him as viable as a bloodhound, lifeline, or wraith— but at least he'll be fun and not feel punishing to play.

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