Why doesn't EA/Respawn allow us to see number of Apex Packs opened?

by XKELX904

Original Post

Why doesn't EA/Respawn allow us to see number of Apex Packs opened?

★★ Apprentice

Allegedly you will receive heirloom shards within 500 packs, but there's no way of knowing just how true that is. I feel like I must have opened close to 500, if not more, but still haven't gotten any. It's kinda shady that there is absolutely no way to track this metric, and I feel like it's because it would be revealed just how random its not.  Something tells me that a vast majority of people get the shards in a pack right at or close to 500(assuming that's true), which would prove that its not a random chance, its a calculated system designed to get people to spend money on packs trying to get at least one heirloom, and if they got one early, that could obviously cut into EA's bottom line. So yeah, basically I'm calling you out EA. Show us how many packs we've opened.


Message 1 of 28 (1,487 Views)

Re: Why doesn't EA/Respawn allow us to see number of Apex Packs opened?

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert

Pack calculator 


This calculator can provide you with a rough estimate, provided you have some basic info related to comics and battle pass. Not the perfect solution, but will have to do


Edit: Some devs did mention a pack calculator feature, but haven't heard anything after that. 

Message 2 of 28 (1,478 Views)

Re: Why doesn't EA/Respawn allow us to see number of Apex Packs opened?

★★ Apprentice

I'm aware of this calculator. But that doesn't change the fact that there is a reason they don't track this metric publicly.  Every other little detail, from stim distance traveled by octane, to number of headshots, to totems activated are tracked, but not Apex packs? Im calling BS

Message 3 of 28 (1,434 Views)

Re: Why doesn't EA/Respawn allow us to see number of Apex Packs opened?

★★★★★ Expert
@XKELX904 And... what do you mean with the term BS here in terms of this feature not implemented?

Either way, it’s done to not have an accurate number of how many so ppl buy more and more
Message 4 of 28 (1,415 Views)

Re: Why doesn't EA/Respawn allow us to see number of Apex Packs opened?

★★ Pro
I agree, there should be an official count, because on that calculator the arenas flash event aren't counted and I don't remember how many daily treasure packs I got on every season xd
Message 5 of 28 (1,399 Views)

Re: Why doesn't EA/Respawn allow us to see number of Apex Packs opened?

★★★ Pro
@XKELX904 because when you don't know u can buy more packs. so more $ for them lol
Message 6 of 28 (1,395 Views)

Re: Why doesn't EA/Respawn allow us to see number of Apex Packs opened?

@XKELX904 500 is the only guarantee. So yeah the majority will be close to that. It makes business sense.
Message 7 of 28 (1,380 Views)

Re: Why doesn't EA/Respawn allow us to see number of Apex Packs opened?

[ Edited ]

I wouldn't expect this.  The only reason we know about that 500 number at all, or the percentage chances for items of different rarity, is because they are legally obligated to provide it.

Message 8 of 28 (1,378 Views)

Re: Why doesn't EA/Respawn allow us to see number of Apex Packs opened?

★★★★★ Expert

Many reasons they scared so they hide it:

1. Legal issue/lawsuit: Guarantee 500.

    If player reach 500 or more and didn't get it, customer complaint/ticket, or worst case, lawsuit will coming.


2. More pack sales

   If people know they're too far from 500, they won't buying packs. By keeping it hidden, it will make people curious and curious people tend to gamble by buying packs.


3. Hide bugs

    If there's issue with probability mechanism, no body will knows unless Respawn said so.


4. Hide the scam behind probability.

    If there's scam where most people only get when above 450, no body will knows.


Message 9 of 28 (1,363 Views)

Re: Why doesn't EA/Respawn allow us to see number of Apex Packs opened?

★★★ Expert
@XKELX904 The reason you don't see the number of packs is because of marketing. Players start thinking that they're actually close to 500 even after only 100-150 packs and this thought pushes them to grind and buy more.

There's no need for any scam, it's very difficult to get the guaranteeed shards anyway (takes years and thousands of hours of grind).
Message 10 of 28 (1,331 Views)