Why didn’t I get a fc25 beta code

by 19itm0gbweza

Original Post

I didn’t receive a fc25 beta code

★ Novice

no beta code for PlayStation 5 


Matthew Woods


vzmatt24 is my mail

Message 11 of 25 (226 Views)

Re: I didn't get an FC25 closed beta code.

★ Apprentice

where did you contact the ea help ?

Message 12 of 25 (261 Views)

Re: I didn't get an FC25 closed beta code.

★ Apprentice
@VGXEmi how did you contact ea help?
Message 13 of 25 (260 Views)

Re: I didn't get an FC25 closed beta code.

★★ Novice

In their page, you pick up a theme with chat, and you contact with them.

Message 14 of 25 (254 Views)

Re: I didn't get an FC25 closed beta code.

★ Apprentice
@VGXEmi did ea send you the beta code?
Message 15 of 25 (252 Views)

Re: I didn't get an FC25 closed beta code.

★★ Novice

Not yet, I hope I can get one in the following days

Message 16 of 25 (243 Views)

Re: I didn't get an FC25 closed beta code.

★★★★ Novice

Hate to break it to you but ea help have no power to send codes. They say whatever they can to clear you off and close the case. It’s completely random. 

Message 17 of 25 (230 Views)

Re: I didn't get an FC25 closed beta code.

★★ Novice

Yeah I know, they are basically useless hahaha

Message 18 of 25 (223 Views)

Re: Why didn’t I get a fc25 beta code

★★ Guide
@Flas4hPT No you don't I don' thav egamepass and I've been asked twice this year being the second time I beta tested Fif a23 and I'm beta testin the XB1 vresion of FC25 this year.It's partially I think based off how many hours you'v eput into the games and a little down to luc kyou get chosen as I wasn't chosen last year. Which is why on the 2 times I hav ebeen chosen I've shown mygratitude and done m ybest to report back honestly with what I think as it is down to luck. nothin g100% specific.
Message 19 of 25 (220 Views)

Re: Why didn’t I get a fc25 beta code

★★★★ Novice

Yes you do.


Message 20 of 25 (214 Views)


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