Slow Download Speeds on EA app

by vP1xel

Original Post

Re: Slow Download Speeds on EA app

★★★ Newbie

Since corporations are viewed as "people" under the law, we should advocate for EA to take residency in Oregon so we can legally euthanize it. What a joke of a company. Laughing stock of the industry. I'll never fork over another dollar to this team of purple-haired, soy-laden, activists. We only have to wait them out a generation because the majority of them aren't procreating, thankfully. 

Message 351 of 362 (1,706 Views)

EA APP my download speeds are at 2mb

★★ Apprentice

EA APP my download speeds are at 2mb at 12 hours to download battlefield when i want to play i cant...i deleted and reinstalled, cleared is this app just garbage or? 

Message 352 of 362 (1,648 Views)

Update takes 4 hours!

★★ Novice

I am so pissed, from day one I hate the EA app, it forces commercials in your face when you shut down a game, but even worse is the update times.

I wanted to play Battlefield 5 with my friends, we are in our 40 so it's a miracle we have a whole morning to play like we did in the late 1900.

There was an update of 40 GB, my pc can download 40 GB very fast, but it took the EA app 2 hours!!!! 

When it was finally done it needed to verify the download, that also took 1.5 hours!!!!

When that was done, it downloaded a file of about 700 MB, and then started to verify the 40 GB update again!!!!

We haven't played one minute of the game in 4 hours time, this is the last straw for me, I will never buy anything for EA again!!!

We are all so pissed!!!

Message 353 of 362 (1,413 Views)

Re: Update takes 4 hours!

★ Guide

What is the download speed the launcher (EA app) shows? I think it shows in MB/s?


For internet speed, just divide the bits/second by 10. There are 8 bits in a byte, but some bits are used for overhead functions like packet addresses, error detection and so on. So, just divide by 10 to convert bits per second to Bytes per second. And vica versa.


Mentioning that because can't remeber if it shows BYTES, or bits. (per sec)


Is it way less than your ISP plan?


My case for example:


I have a 100mb/s down connection here in Tokyo.

On Ookla speed net test it's consistently around 90 mb/s. ( Around 9 or 10 MB/s) 


Steam actually gives me the full maxed out speed as they have a server in Tokyo.


Thing is last time I downloaded a game from EA (a month ago) I can't remember the details. All I know is that it's never annoyed me, so probably it's max potential.


I have no idea if EA has a cap above 100 mb/s (Approx 10 MB/s - as that's above my max.)


It could just be that you are far away from a server, but companies/services that require fast internet/download should cover all service areas well.


Regardless of all the above, your Battlefield 5 experience is bad! I would be well annoyed too. 2 hours for 40GB in 2024 is certainly not fast!! What are your normal speeds?


Sorry for the long post, but really curious about your case. Pretty awful. Probably a one off?....I hope!!!

Message 354 of 362 (1,386 Views)

Download not possible

★★★ Newbie

I have been trying to download several updates in the EA App for a few days now. Unfortunately, the download speed remains in the kb/s range. Several steps suggested by support and found in the FAQ did not help. My internet connection measures over 500 Mbps, and other launchers like Steam download without any issues.

Now, I can’t even download the EA App itself, as the download seems to take several hours.

Message 355 of 362 (1,073 Views)

Re: Download not possible

Community Manager

Hey there, 


I'm sorry to hear that the download speeds of EA app are very slow on your device. Could you please list the steps you've tried so far so we don't ask you to try the same steps again?

While I don't know what troubleshooting steps you've performed so far, I suggest that you start by disabling any background apps that may conflict with the EA app: Closing background applications. A Clean Boot could also help: How to clean or safe boot your computer


Let us know how that goes,


Message 356 of 362 (989 Views)

Re: Download not possible

★★★ Newbie

Hey EA


I have exactly the same problem. I bought F1 24 and cant even reinstall the EA App because it gets stuck just as same as it gets in the pictures from the other guy. Please help i feel like I wasted money on getting nothing if I cant even install and neither play the game.


thanks in advance


Message 357 of 362 (976 Views)

Re: Download not possible

Community Manager
Hi @Nevouses,

Can you please try the steps mentioned above and let us know if you're able to install the EA app after that?


Message 358 of 362 (959 Views)

Re: Download not possible

★★★ Newbie

Hi I tried barely everything I deactivated any kind of firelwalls tested other downloads and tried to reinstall the launcher but it gets stuck at downloading without even downloading anything.

So I tried many things even the settings with time and date to beta and stuff. 
please help me 

Message 359 of 362 (953 Views)

Incredibly Slow Download Speed (4-30kb/s)

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie



I tried updating BF2042 on Tuesday (~24h ago) and the 750mb update was crawling along at 4KB/s:


So, i paused the download, then restarted it, hoping it would fix it. Instead it reset the progress to 0% and the download rate didn't change.

I checked my connection and could download at full speed just fine from everywhere i tested. I closed the EAApp and reset my connection just in case.


Launched the App again and the speeds were still just as abysmal. So, I followed the "Get help" instruction (which just tells you to clear the cache really) and restarted the App. To my absolutely elated surprise, the game update was now 7.9gigabytes and the download rate was still terrible:


And was now sporadically being interrupted by this very descriptive error:


24h later, nothing has changed and the weird thing is that restarting the App results in strange reproducable behavior. It starts off at okay speeds and then pretty quickly diminishes down to 4-30kb/s:


I'd swap to another download server, but the technology isn't there yet in the EA App i guess to have that sort of advanced control.


Some googling only yielded a few people facing the same problem, but no solution for it.


Any help would be appreciated.


Message 360 of 362 (898 Views)


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