Slow Download Speeds on EA app

by vP1xel

Original Post

Re: incredibly slow download speeds

[ Edited ]
★ Novice

This man @MerKerYT  just made my day, got the EA app. Download speeds were about 960 kb/s. So it would have taken 22 ~ 24 hours to download BTF1.

Lauched the app again with Administrator rights this time and BOOM. Now it only takes 2 ~ 3 hours. Thanks to this legend. 

Message 91 of 341 (6,869 Views)

Re: Slow download speeds on EA Desktop

★★★ Newbie

Yeah, just adding on to what other people have said. I used a VPN to change to the Netherlands and my download speeds went from 600kb/s (US) to 70mb/s. This is definitely on EA/DICE's end because that is insane.

Message 92 of 341 (8,751 Views)

Re: incredibly slow download speeds

★★★ Newbie
@EA_Darko desktop app, not origins
Message 93 of 341 (6,774 Views)

Re: incredibly slow download speeds

★★ Novice

I found a solution on reddit that worked for me, I turned on my vpn (mozilla, closest server) and went from 16kB/s to at least 20mB/s but it likely kept climbing after I looked away.  My 14 hour update for 2042 was done in the time it took me to go take a leak.

Message 94 of 341 (6,708 Views)

Insane Slow Download Speed

★★★ Newbie

Insane slow dowload speed, I'm getting around 800mb/s of download speed when I do a speed test. When I dowload on steam I'm getting between 50-90mb/s, but whenever I go on EA app and want to download a game or make an update I can't past 5mb/s. I don't know why does anyone have a fix for that ?

And btw I already looked many posts with "Fixes" but none of them worked....

Message 95 of 341 (1,336 Views)

Re: Insane Slow Download Speed

Community Manager


Hey @R301OneClip if seeing issues with your connection then can you try the following steps please:



Message 96 of 341 (1,305 Views)

EA app. All download speeds incredibly inconsistent.

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

Product: The EA app
Error Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post) None
Which client functionality are you experiencing this bug with? Download Game
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 1.12.22 13:00
Summarize your bug The download speed of game downloads/updates is incredibly inconsistent and downloads take significantly more time than with the Origin app.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Download or update a product from the EA app.
What happens when the bug occurs? Not applicable.
What do you expect to see? Not applicable.

I have been using the new EA app for many months now without any serious performance issues. However since I started using it I would never download or update games through the EA app because the download speeds either are inconsistent or unrealistically slow. That is, every download or update begins with a few minutes of only a few KB/s download speed. When I first noticed this I would always return to the Origin app to download or update games since it would give me the highest download speed(up to 100+MB/s) of any game service I use(yes faster than steam even). But with the EA app the speed is different as though it was using different servers? Since I got notice of the soon to be discontinuation of the Origin app I, with reluctance, gave the EA app a chance to download a ~2GB update to fifa 23.

For the first minutes the download speed would not exceed even 10KB/s. Eventually the speed went up to 15-35MB/s but only for a few seconds(~10) before going down to ~10KB/s or even just 0. This would happen with inconsistency.

The whole update of a 2GB download took 10 minutes total with setting up, downloading, applying, verifying and finalizing the update. Imagine downloading for instance a battlefield game, ~80GB. This would take maybe hours or days with the EA app instead of minutes using the Origin app. 

I don´t know for how long the Origin app will be available so I would like to report this issue so hopefully the downloading experience of the EA app will overcome the Origin app as it has with most features.


To try and fix this issue I have: 

-* Redownloaded EA app.


-* Redownload entire game library through Origin app.


-* Cleared cache using App Recovery option.


-* Used another Storage device.



I left a DxDiag attachment with private/sensitive information redacted.

Message 97 of 341 (1,017 Views)

Re: incredibly slow download speeds

★★★ Newbie

IF you got a game through Xbox's Gamepass  - this is the solution for you. 

Also - I'd like to reiterate that the community team here is garbage.

  1. Open powershell as administrator

  2. enter this command -> netsh interface tcp show global

  3. For me, "recieve window auto-tuning level" was set to disabled

  4. to enable it, enter this command -> netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal

  5. enter the command in step 2 to verify it worked.

Message 98 of 341 (6,189 Views)

Re: incredibly slow download speeds

★★★ Newbie
@HardcoreFinesse You legend, this worked right away. During the DL i just paused and restarted it in the EA app and it jumped up the Speed instantly!

Thank you!!!!
Message 99 of 341 (6,089 Views)

Re: Slow download speeds on EA Desktop

★★★ Newbie

I tried  the VPN even different countries (three so far) and has not worked for me. I'm stuck at around 8/mbs no matter what I do. Even Tried Netherlands

Message 100 of 341 (8,050 Views)


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