Re: Slow download

by loukpapa

Original Post

Slow Download Speeds

★★★ Newbie

Why are the EA App download speeds atrocious? I have a 1gbps down connection and am getting a download rate of 8mbps with 'limit download rate' set to unlimited. Please explain.


The powershell setting is applied as previously described to fix, running as admin, hard wired aka I'm getting 900~ down. If I pause and resume it is more reflective of my actual line speed, but slowly drops off. Pause and resume over and over again doesn't work either as the EA App seems to forget the progress. What a joke.

Message 341 of 362 (1,687 Views)

Re: Slow download speeds on EA Desktop

★★★ Newbie

1000mbs fiber with 101mbd download without vpn givinan open port for the app from anti virus its just garbage mate

Message 342 of 362 (1,553 Views)

Re: Slow download speeds on EA Desktop

★★ Novice


This didn't work for me, sadly.

Still plodding along at 3MB p/s at best...then dipping to 200K...

Currently going to take me 142 hours to download a game!
Tongue out

What a frustrating app, eh!?

Message 343 of 362 (1,513 Views)

Re: Slow download

★★★ Newbie
@Aukoullas it happens also the same * little better with Rockstar lancher am just re dpwnload the rdr2 so i did this
I use the tester to their server EA R* Ubisoft
2 first didnt even regognise my 1Gbps 110Mbps like it read it as 100 witch means uploading drop to 10-15 its not the app only app connectet to their servers witch all say servers got a huge update etc etc etc for what AI maybe jokin us all mate
Message 344 of 362 (1,504 Views)

Re: Slow download speeds on EA Desktop

★★★ Newbie

You are a legend mate

Message 345 of 362 (1,459 Views)

Slow downloads

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie



I'm getting 12mb to 14mb speeds when downloading games with a 150mb connection. Please advise how I can improve this?



Error reference


Message 346 of 362 (1,272 Views)

Extremely slow download speeds

★★ Novice

The Sims 4 regularly has updates, and every time an update comes, the download speed is ridiculously bad (less than 1MB/s) - see attached image.  It takes 10 minutes to download a 500MB update!


I have a full fibre connection, and all other game launcher apps (Steam, Epic, Ubisoft, GoG, Battle.Net) and other devices on my network at home (such as iPad/Xbox/PS5) download at normal acceptable speeds.


I have already tried to

  • clear the EA App cache
  • restart my router
  • close background apps (I normally don't run any other applications in the background when I download on a specific launcher app)

Even if I did run other apps in the background, my network connectivity is still more than able to download 1GB in a few seconds. But not the EA App. This has been happening for months, it's not a recent thing, and it even happened in my previous Windows installation. 


Since I cannot directly open a support ticket with EA, I'm hoping the support team can respond to this and explain why this is happening.

Message 347 of 362 (1,236 Views)

Re: Slow Download Speeds on EA app

★★★★ Novice

Downloading at 3 MB per second. my friends are playing and i'm just trying fixes to get a reasonable download speed.. EA.. seriously, get your tech in order



Message 348 of 362 (1,141 Views)

Re: Why is the download speed so slow

★ Apprentice

Really? It just took over 12 minutes to download just over 10 Gb on 2024. I have 300 Mbps... How does that happen? 300Mbps ethernet... 

Message 349 of 362 (1,074 Views)

Re: Why is the download speed so slow

★ Apprentice

Now it undated finally. Now i'm getting. Error code: 1:86001s:2397336630:0B

  You boy's need to stop with all the nonsense and go back to making great games... 

   I can go play BF3 BF4 bad company 2 they load instantly compared to this crap...

Message 350 of 362 (1,074 Views)


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