by KieenCK0612

Original Post


★★ Novice

I play Clubs Drop-in, and these * * always on my side, no passing, no tactic, just keep the ball and run. And also you * * developers. When I am attacking, the AI opponents always tackle me like its free as * while I'm keeping my ball safe, and when we defending, the players on the other side dribble past my AI Defenders like they're not even there while the AI opponents tackle me like its free ball. And also the team I am on always lose an air duel no matter the height, no matter its AI or players, lost in every game, and let me guess, the AI define which team win right? I thought the AI Players are capped at 80 OVR, and how the hell they their pace is the same as me or even faster, I am 99 sprint speed btw. So just * game and * developers right? Same game every year, even worst. 

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