Re: Lobby type

by RockDokRock

Original Post

Lobby type

★★★★★ Apprentice

It's enough that the PC lobby is ruined by terrible matchmaking and the problem with cheaters, but lately I've been getting killed quite often by players using controllers.


If you cannot or do not want to separate MnK players from players using controllers, at least add an option where when searching for a match you can select "match only MnK players". This would result in more time to search for a game, but this option would be voluntary.


I'm willing to wait a few minutes to play rather than play with controllers with which close play is simply impossible.


When will you finally do something for MnK players, who are fewer and fewer?

Message 1 of 4 (277 Views)

Re: Lobby type

★★★★★ Expert

My question: Does the developer have visibility on which type of input device a PC player is using? Are there ways for a PC controller player to hide the information about their input type?
Message 2 of 4 (249 Views)

Re: Lobby type

★★★★ Pro

Originally, console and PC players were separated from each other. Crossplay could be activated in the settings if you chose to do so.

With an update...I think it was around Sep/Oct/Nov 2020, crossplay was implemented by default - from that day it was no longer possible to deactivate it.


I´ve always suspected, that the player base was already shrinking at this point so that separating console- from PC-playerswas not longer an option for EA/Respawn.
I still don´t get it...honestly.

Message 3 of 4 (235 Views)

Re: Lobby type

★★★ Pro

The only time (as a console player) that I have encountered PC players is in Mixtape.  In the normal BR I have never seen a PC player in my lobby.  


I think you can explicitly join a PC friend and play in PC lobbies as a console player, I have no idea why you would want to do that though.

Message 4 of 4 (218 Views)