Is there a setting to completly close the EA app on exit?

by LawnZ0mbie1

Original Post

Re: Is there a setting to completly close the EA app on exit?

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice


I have to say it is alarmingly impudent forcing user to use a launcher and withholding his ability to limit the launchers access in your own system. Without much of a hustle, by closing over other programs, it just uses 200-400 mb of your memory. Not even for something useful to the user.
Simultaneously your licence, when bought from an other source but still an EA product, is not even secured through the imposed launcher. So EA gets all the rights by minimal obligations to the Customer.
Wait, customer is a thing of the past, so is the corresponding respect it seems. Like the saying; User is used for two sectors: Digital and Drugtrade. Thou i believe one of the sectors gain is more evident.
Just a nudge and not directed at you as a person. ^^

Message 11 of 18 (2,316 Views)

Re: Is there a setting to completly close the EA app on exit?

★ Guide

We shouldn't even HAVE to close the app, it should automatically close when we exit the game?!?


This "launcher" nonsense is not even needed in the first place, why not just let us run the game and opt out of having to use a "launcher".


No, not only do they force us to have this absurd "launcher" crap, they add insult to injury by automatically leaving it open after we exit the game which caused it to run in the first place.


As if that were not obnoxious enough - they double down on their "screw the customer, we do what we want" attitude by not only leaving this unwanted launcher running on your PC, no, they have to make it worse by DISABLING the most commonly used method to exit a Windows program: pressing the "X" button.  It's not just a minor annoyance, it's actually obnoxious and offensive that EVERY time you play a game like Apex you get this annoying non-standard GUI behavior thrown in your face, no, you can't just press "X" to eXit the app (which you shouldn't have to do in the first place), no, you have to go through a menu and do multiple steps just to close the program you didn't want running in the first place.

Message 12 of 18 (2,222 Views)

Re: Is there a setting to completly close the EA app on exit?

★★ Apprentice

You cannot close the EA app while you are playing the game, so the EA app window is still going to pop up when you quit the game. This is not a solution.

Message 13 of 18 (2,135 Views)

Re: Is there a setting to completly close the EA app on exit?

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert

@CritofurThe app can be fully closed by right-clicking the app in the toolbar, and selecting exit. It closes the app but not the background service. The background service can only be closed from the task manager. It cannot be closed while gaming as it shuts the works down. Of course it should not need to be closed by right clicking in the toolbar, the X in the corner of the window should shut that down. When it’s shut down, the background app should also shut down. It’s clearly meant to fool the average user who hits X. If I say it’s bordering on fraudulent will I get banned? Maybe. How about deceptive? It’s definitely deceptive.


(cm edit - removed language)

Message 14 of 18 (2,115 Views)

Re: Is there a setting to completly close the EA app on exit?

★★★ Newbie

This is a massive failure... Come on EA.  Get it together.

Message 15 of 18 (1,772 Views)

Re: Is there a setting to completly close the EA app on exit?

★★★★★ Newbie

I use a batch file that kills every task that has the word "EA" in it as soon as the game is closed. But even then the EABackgroundService.exe can't be killed because it is running under SYSTEM user, which means I need to run the script as ADMIN to be able to kill it. And leaving it open breaks the next game launch.


for /f "tokens=1" %%i in ('tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq EA*" /NH') do taskkill /F /IM %%i


Pretty messed up behavior from EA.

Message 16 of 18 (436 Views)

Re: Is there a setting to completly close the EA app on exit?

★★★★★ Apprentice

100% this is a back door into people’s systems and is being used to collect data without consent or warning. 

Message 17 of 18 (352 Views)

Re: Is there a setting to completly close the EA app on exit?

Community Manager
@7thMuse Please avoid sharing false, unverified, or incorrect information. Thank you.

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Message 18 of 18 (312 Views)


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