Re: How to use Download DLC from account

by Firefoxgirls

Original Post

How to use Download DLC from account

★★ Novice

I am a MacOs user who had gotten a DLC from my parents. I having trouble using the DLC or even downloading it.

My account says i have the DLC on it but I don't know how to get it into the game files or even use the thing. Can someone help out

Message 1 of 5 (413 Views)

Re: How to use Download DLC from account


Are you using EA App or Origin when you launch the base game?

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Message 2 of 5 (379 Views)

Re: How to use Download DLC from account

★★ Novice

I have to use the EA app because for some reason can't find the origin app. I would love to use origin because it would've been so much easier for me to get them.

Message 3 of 5 (370 Views)

Re: How to use Download DLC from account

[ Edited ]



Moved your post to the EA App forum. How did your parents give you the DLC? In the form of game codes? If so these need to be redeemed in EA App for the packs to appear in your account:



The Sims 3 Mac Forum - | - The Sims 4 Mac Forum -
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Message 4 of 5 (356 Views)

Re: How to use Download DLC from account

★★ Novice

They gave it to me through steam since my dad already has a steam account, 

Message 5 of 5 (318 Views)


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