Horizon Loading Screens explained

by CompleatBeet

Original Post

Horizon Loading Screens explained

★★★ Pro

As you may know, each loading screen has a description which essentially teases lore through a Legend's views on something, or a news report.

In Season 7 we got some really interesting lore teasers on Horizon, and we get to know a number of things about her, however there are a lot of unanswered questions behind it all, which I hope to resolve in this thread.


Me, Myself and Regret

HORIZON: Ah, Dr. Reid is it? Nice to meet ya, darlin’. Have a seat.
“DR. REID”: Oh, hiii. I’m a big, fat bloody liar who’ll eat your secret recipe scones then leave you to die in space.
HORIZON: I must say, this resume of yours is mighty impressive. A degree in Deception, a masters in Double-Crossing. Any chance, dear, you’ve a doctorate in refining all that branthium ya stole from me? You’re gonna need it.
“DR. REID”: Uhhh, no. But I got my First Aid training...
HORIZON: Ah, I see that here. Must come in handy patching up loved ones after you stab them in the back? You have references?
“DR. REID”: Oh yes. First one’s the devil, second’s a flesh eating disease, and I imagine the third one’s just me doing a funny voice because have I mentioned I’m a bloody liar?
HORIZON: Lovely. Well, I dinnae see why you widnae be a great, unregrettable hire. Now go boil your head in a pot of stew, and we’ll be in touch.


This is a funny but interesting description. It seems that Horizon is portraying her newly-found spite and hatred for her old assistant, Dr Reid (the woman we all think is Ash, who betrayed Horizon) through a fictional interview transcript. There's nothing too big here, as we already know that Dr Reid betrayed Horizon in space from the Promise trailer.


Timetravel is Money

Dear Ms. Tobin,
Thank you kindly for the generous offer, but after a wee brush with an unreliable co-worker, I’ve decided to strike out on my own. Be a way off yet ‘til I rely on others -- including your prestigious company -- for my income.
Though, I’ll admit, it’s hard saying no to your additional offer of Hammond’s fine resources for my time travel research. But I decided I’m quite happy getting what I need with my Apex winnings. You’d be awful surprised what a bloodsport pays!
Finally, thank you dear for your condolences on my son, but keep the heid. It’s just a wee interlude keeping us apart. I’ll have him in my arms soon enough.
Take care,
Dr. Mary Somers


Through this loading screen we learn that Hammond Robotics offered to fund and assist Horizon's research into time travel (so she can go back in time to keep her promise to her son), however Dr Reid's betrayal evidently had an impact on Horizon's trust for others, as we see in Horizon's reasoning for declining the offer.


Crisis to Avert

They all looked at me with blank stares as if I said some nonsense like: “Well, that’s only if X equals the temperature of the negative space, NOT the specimen itself.” Yes, my old friend, I still use that joke to get out of conversations with wannabe scientists now and again—they never know how to answer and just agree. But, unfortunately, this wasn’t a joke... This energy crisis is real. Aleki’s researchers on Olympus have shown me almost too many scenarios that all end in disaster by 2699. The Outlands weren’t built for long-term, it was just exploration until the IMC returned, but those years turned into centuries and now we’re paying the price. I’ve got another presentation to other benefactors coming up and could use your help. Bring your whole family, bring Reid (you’re gonna need that assistant). It’ll be just like old times. Plus, I’d love to see my little Newton again—I am his godmother after all. Hope I can count on you, and if it doesn’t work, we may have to do this thing ourselves...
Love you, dear.


This is a letter to Horizon from Lillian Peck (the creator of Olympus: mentioned in another Season 7 Loading Screen: The Peck Foundation). We learn that Peck is the godmother of Horizon's son, Newton, and that Horizon was hired by Peck to find a solution to the energy crisis. In addition, Horizon is not originally from Olympus, as we learn, as she moved her family over to the city, and also brought Dr Reid. 

There is something else here that is irrelevant to Horizon but is definitely interesting. We see that Peck says "X equals the temperature of the negative space, NOT the specimen itself." Hmm, sounds familiar *cough cough* Ash. It now seems that Ash the simulacrum has a connection with not only Horizon (and possibly Dr Reid) but Peck as well! What if Ash is not Dr. Reid, but is actually Peck? It's also possible that Ash is one of the "wannabe scientists" Peck refers to (who she tells this to), as the quote "X equals the temperature.." is something Ash has in her memory banks, which doesn't necessarily mean she said it herself.

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