Good vs Bad Squadmates

by CryBloodwing

Original Post

Good vs Bad Squadmates

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

I have had many types of experiences in the game so far, and I was wondering what squad mates do, that you think are good...or bad. 



1. Pick up good attachments for teammates. For example, I found a purple sniper scope for the 4x-8x scope. My teammate had a sniper rifle, so I brought it to him.

2. Use a mic or at least use pings a lot if no mic. 

3. Stays with the squad

4. Pings good armor, equipment, etc



1. Leaves the game randomly...or in the middle of a fight. Happened during 3/7 matches I played one day. 

2. Goes solo and then dies. 

3. Does not follow the squad at certain important times. My squad was in the last 2...and we had survived without killing anyone. The other squad mate and I got into a building, which ended up being the smallest circle. The whole enemy squad destroyed us in the building. What was the last guy doing? Sitting outside on a cliff...outside the circle. He was not scouting or anything either. He gave us no pings or tried to help. When we were both dead, he finally moved into the circle...and missed 90% of his shots. 


Also, what is the worst squad-mate you have had? No specific names. there a penalty for players who leave a match early?


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