July - last edited July
Hey everyone,
The newest patch addressing some of the hot issues will be available on all platforms from Monday, July 8 at 10am UTC. You can find out what's in this patch in this thread HERE.
Need some help? Something in the patch not working the way it should? Tell us in this thread.
Does the specialist target and the save state refer to the mid-save bug? Can all saves be loaded again?
About the handling:
Sorry, but the completely wrong direction again. The cars were already breaking out uncontrollably when you drove over bends, if I read this now it will be even worse, which has absolutely nothing to do with reality.
More realistic kerb reactions and tyre pressures having more effect on grip and temps were my two most wanted changes to the handling/physics/setup stuff so this is pleasing assuming it works as intended..
so they will again reset time trial?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I can see setups will change again...
I'm disappointed still no fix for the DRS/ERS train. I've not played the game for a few weeks. Was hoping it will be patched. I will wait for the next patch.
Hey folks,
yes @novagoal11, it should indeed fix all the mid-session saves.
@Dismal_Games The team is still working on fixing the bump in Spain and other tracks.
@atfmarko We've currently got no plans of resetting the Time Trial leaderboards again.
@ADunky It's still on our radar, but there have already been some improvements to the AIs behavior with DRS. So, give it a shot and it should be better already.
Of course, there are still further changes and bug fixes being worked on, that haven't made it into this patch. I would recommend checking out our Community Raised Issues thread for a better overview. We will of course also keep you updated.
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