Edit Player Ratings

by papamurph4123

Original Post


Edit Player Ratings

★★★★★ Novice

Why is there an option in the dynasty settings to choose who is able to edit player ratings, but when you go into “edit player” there not even a ratings tab to look at or edit?? Are we going to be able ratings, faces, numbers, etc. for recruits is dynasty?? I know there’s tons of players that would appreciate EA at least acknowledging this and giving us an answer on what the plan is for player editing!

Message 1 of 4 (649 Views)

Re: Edit Player Ratings

★ Guide

For real. Im ok with even not being able to edit ratings, I just want to be able to edit jersey numbers. It doesnt seem like too much to ask

Message 2 of 4 (633 Views)

Re: Edit Player Ratings

★ Pro
@papamurph4123 there is no reason tht we shouldnt be able to fully customize recruits. if its because of NIL legal issues then make everything besides the names customizable
Message 3 of 4 (604 Views)

Re: Edit Player Ratings

★★★★★ Novice

Yeah and NIL has nothing to do with randomly generated recruits so there’s really no excuse 

Message 4 of 4 (602 Views)


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