EA it’s not Rocket science under 100k on steam …

by EPS1234

Original Post

EA it’s not Rocket science under 100k on steam …

★ Guide

It’s literally this simple people have been asking you to fix audio for five years fix it. People have asked you to do something about cheaters for as long as I can remember do something. Akimbos being the best gun in the game was a terrible idea that helps people with bad aim kill people who would never kill people regularly makes hard-core players not want to play why would you do something to cater to players that don’t play your game? You want to help new players kill people when people who put in thousands of hours are getting killed by BS people who have paid and put money into your game you don’t care about them it seems, you wanna find new players you had a bunch of players why loose your existing hard-core customers? fix it when your solo queuing and it’s you against a three stack with two randoms that put up anywhere from 0 to 100 damage it’s not fun fix it make it to where you’re in a party of three you can’t go with people who are in a party of one it’s that simple I barely play this game anymore and I have over 4200 hrs thousands of dollars I’ve put in this game I have not dropped a dollar and I barely play anymore. You’re doing something wrong. Your new ideas and the stuff you’re doing is not working The amount of money you guys could put in your pockets if you made this game great is disgusting. This could be the One of the most profiting games ever made in the entire world if you just fixed core issues like servers audio cheaters etc …I can’t fathom how a regular person can see these things but business people at your company are clueless. It’s mind-boggling to me. This stuff they’re doing is taking money out of your pockets food out of your family’s mouths whoever’s in charge you are losing money by the thousands I promise you

Message 1 of 25 (538 Views)

Re: EA it’s not Rocket science under 100k on steam …

★★★★★ Pro
@EPS1234 Not just audio . . . matchmaking, cheaters, smurfs, & server performance all need to be fixed. This is the beginning of the end, IMO.
Message 2 of 25 (507 Views)

Re: EA it’s not Rocket science under 100k on steam …

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert


It's really no mystery how developers come up with so many bad ideas for trying to prolong the life of an aging title. Change whatever you can change that requires little to no financial investment (akimbo, bin re-sets, other trivial but annoying changes too numerous to name). And I would almost sympathize with their problems IF they had already announced the development of a replacement. Not only have they NOT announced a replacement, but Andrew Wilson in investor calls continues to try to BS his Wall Street constituency into believing that Apex has a "ten year" road map. Well, he may have a road map for the future of this game but, at the rate they're going, I'll be surprised if any of the player base gets the message or is interested in hanging around long enough to see what things look like at the decade mark. Honestly, why hand around to see? We already know that if the player base is currently 30% cheaters and the other 70% is made up mostly of secondary accounts, then by the ten year mark this game will be 100% aimbots, x-ray vision, and completely randomized matchmaking.

Message 3 of 25 (500 Views)

Re: EA it’s not Rocket science under 100k on steam …

★★★★★ Apprentice

@EPS1234 Great post bro. I fully agree with you. Unfortunately, if you expect answers from more important people, you will either get a standard answer or they will start teaching you what they do not fully believe in, but they have to write it that way. Unfortunately, this is the reality on this forum.

Message 4 of 25 (483 Views)

Re: EA it’s not Rocket science under 100k on steam …

★★★ Guide

@EPS1234 Which one is it? 
You are writing first that you dont want the game to cater for new players or players of lower skills or who dont play the game. Next thing you say you dont want to play against highskill players who 3 stack. And then you say you barely play this game anymore. Bro its not just about you. 

If you indeed are hardcore player and wish for the above things, you need the new players. And sometimes they have to be on your team as well if you soloQ. Or if you are that good, then you need to get into ALGS to play with the best. No newbie players there. 

Akimbos were perfect balance for short range MnK against controller SMGs. Now with the nerf the meta is even more balanced. 

But I get your frustration. Been there myself. Might be good to play some other games on the side bro.
Whatever you play make sure its not an online multiplayer game since it will have cheaters as there isnt a game that doesnt have the same problem. 

Message 5 of 25 (457 Views)

Re: EA it’s not Rocket science under 100k on steam …

[ Edited ]
★★★ Pro

@EPS1234Wow - "hard-core players not want to play ".

The question you should ask yourself is why are they in the same lobby (you don't of course)? So it's ok if hard core players just constantly stomp noobs and get KD pills? That seems to be the case. Just... wow.

Also... the "hard-core" base can pick them up too right?

Message 6 of 25 (422 Views)

Re: EA it’s not Rocket science under 100k on steam …

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Pro

@reconzeroSteam player counts dropping like a rock, no communication from EA/Respawn, streamers abandoning Apex for other games. We've been complaining about all the issues with this game for years but they refuse to do anything meaningful to address any of them. Just a few BS blog posts and an endless stream of collection events.  It is truly pathetic.

Message 7 of 25 (414 Views)

Re: EA it’s not Rocket science under 100k on steam …


I believe the MM is the most to blame. Putting an average player with two new players in a lobby with 3 stack pred and masters teams leaves both the average player and the new players frustrated. The biggest mistake that's been made is prioritizing time in queue over quality of the lobby skill.

Message 8 of 25 (399 Views)

Re: EA it’s not Rocket science under 100k on steam …

★★★★ Guide
@hayhor This is how I feel exactly. It reallly is the biggest issue of them all.. . not saying that there isn't other issues as well. But the MM is what I believe also, that is killing this game.

Sure glad the cosmetic store has no issues what so ever and continues to pump out crap continuously despite the state of the game in general.
: )
Message 9 of 25 (384 Views)

Re: EA it’s not Rocket science under 100k on steam …

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

To you guys who think I only wanna stomp noobs NO that is not the case this goes back to matchmaking I don’t want to play three stacks when my two randoms are putting up anywhere from 0 to 100 damage that’s unacceptable. Give me two randoms that are similar skill value, and if I run into a stack or if I run into good players good I could care less about playing good players. I’ve solo Qed all the way the masters that means nothing to me but getting killed every game by three Stack preds when I have what you guys call noobs on my team is completely ridiculous and the fact that you guys are even defending that is ridiculous. And when I say hard-core player base, I mean the players who play every day like I did people who put thousands and thousands of dollars in this game like I did people who put thousands and thousands of hours in this game like I have I understand the new players like theakimbos  keep them in pubs not RANKED you new players are acting like the old players, just run through and stomp on you. I hate to tell you but the problem and the reason you’re getting so beat down every game is because nobody plays the game anymore if you had people who played the game you would maybe get some people you could actually fight against, instead of going against people like me who are just gonna stomp you I promise you when I take two of my friends on my friends list and we party up. We nearly win 90% of our games. It’s basically a massacre.this matchmaking system is not fair to me to you to anyone it’s trash

Message 10 of 25 (364 Views)