October - last edited October
@ComicBookGuy2727 wrote:
@RockDokRockIt would stand to reason, for me anyway... that if someone cheats in a video game, most likely their reasoning in their own mind is justified and I would assume these are the type of people that cheat in almost all forms of life. Cheat their friends out of something, cheat on their partners, cheat on exams, sports and any and everywhere in life that can provide them an advantage.
Its sad, a low form of scum. These are people you don't want to work along side in any profession, or have as a life mate, a parent, or any family member.... definitely not as a friend.
There have always been these people in gaming, just nowhere to the degree we see today.
Don't hold your breath moving forward that it will ever get better. Remember, these cheaters are going to be the parents of our future lil humans. These are the people that will be raising the next generation.
Anyone want to guess where the gaming industry will be when their children rise up to become gamers? : (
Went off the rails there a bit bud, this is a forum for a game called Apex. You okay?
I remember "cheating" in some games I played as youngster 20 years ago...
Friends/Web told you how to put godmode on in Duke Nukem 3D. Or resources code for CC Red Alert.
At this stage I had already played through the SP campaign about 100 times or something.
Why did I then choose to cheat?
For the fun of it. I think I turned out okay. Id be more worried about the things I write below regarding the gaming kids of today.
You get no relaxing from games the same way you could get back in the day. Modern online gaming is highly stressful.
High stress -> Bigger dopamine rewards -> addiction. Thats the recipe.
Want to remove the stress = use cheat and you are now playing in Easy mode.
PvP enviroment means there will always be someone who is not winning and will feel get their feelings hurt so cant really blame matchmaking.
In that sense should the MM work perfectly, if you are the worst of the worst you would only lose (if we take out RNG).
"Faulty" MM also means everybody in every skill level suffers. Whether its because of bad teammates or good opponents it happens to everyone.
I think one of the main reasons why people cheat is that they want to play easy mode on the popular games.
Thats why we have multiple season preds and 0 skill people who have been caught cheating.
Everytime you load up into Apex you never know what kind of matches you are going to get.
Its another gamble with your mentals since you dont know if you are going to feel better or worse after playing the game.
Got me started so offtopic rant starts :
Thats just the way the current games are designed.
Devs also love to add as many gambling type of things games as it also gets people addicted. Events are always a gamble on how many packs you need to open to get the main prize.
People are losing all of their savings on buying CS packs because of legalized gambling.
Some countries like Belgium have identified the gambling in the packs and you are not allowed to buy packs in Belgium.
Wonder why...
Modern online gaming rides on two things: Stress and gambling addiction.
End of rant.
Trust me. Season 23 will be the best.