September - last edited September
Ok maybe I’m just genuinely stupid but I didn’t think you’d have to get through 100 levels in one half of a season. I did every weekly challenge and only made it to around level 93. Anyone else feel like that isn’t a super long time for 100 levels ?
don't get it , the BP this season had only 60level per split , what is this 100level you're talking about ?
September - last edited September
@onikloy1I think you only had to reach 60 to get all rewards like skins and packs. Then, the rewards from 60 to 100 are I think the top of your blue BP badge for this season gets higher the closer you get to 100, going up in increments of 10.
I made it to 70 or so. It didn't really matter to me since the change to the badge is relatively subtle. The important stuff was gained by reaching 60. Am I right about this?
@AymCTL yep, i got to 2 *'s behind you
Wow @AymCTL Thanks man. Thats simplify things.
I totally can't understand what the hack that UI saying.
It's like asking me to read text in a room of disco lights.