Compensation for ME:A and My opinions on the game as a whole.

by MaxwellCrystal

Original Post

Compensation for ME:A and My opinions on the game as a whole.

★★★ Newbie

I find it weird that this hasn't been talked about whatsoever especially since all the frustration the glitches/bugs especially in multiplayer has given a large population of the player base. Polygon had a recent article describing this game what I now agree with it to be and that is a Early access game.As many people know steam has that feature and I think one game from Xbox had it too where you pay into the game but the game it's self is riddled with bugs,errors,glitches, and is incomplete; much like the current game.

Don't get me wrong, the game is good in terms of the story although there was one point that really irritated me which was the SAM node last memory sequence

Reapers being mentioned was a great thing but the fact that it mentioned the Shepard had came encounter with it and made various claims about it, that should've warranted some type of picture or anything show what they look like. In Mass Effect 3 Commander Shepard encountered the reapers and If I recall correctly there was even a battle against one, so you mean to tell me that he did not record any information showing what it looks like but instead said "Hey guys, there's this thing called the reaper and it's out to get us... now I don't have any pictures or information about it but yeah it's out there". That part really irritated me because in Andromeda they should have had a major discussion about that where your main character informs all pathfinders and all directors on the nexus + your crew themselves. They should've talked about trying to contact the milky way and SAM should have tried to analyze the reaper noise to make sure there wasn't one in this galaxy. 

 The game it's self did not even learn from the feedback regarding Mass Effect 3 in terms of multiplayer, many people posted on the original forums before it was shut down regarding the multiplayer and how to improve it instead of being repetitive; yet Andromeda just copy and pastes everything aside from not being able to grab enemies from in cover and execute them and that you now have a jump pack. If I remember correctly players talked about making multiplayer act in terms of a story mission where you advance from point A to the end, so you get a sense of exploration instead of being held up in one area like we are currently. It saddens me to see that no feedback was taken even the one regarding third person control (I made an argument that third person control should take after Gears of War because it's fluidity of third person is second to none.)


The game is a huge let down and even I felt this game is a 6/10 with the multiplayer being near unplayable due to frequent disconnects and lack of actual stable servers but more of the same old i.e. relying on peer to peer connection. In multiplayer if you DC at round 6.. well tough luck you just wasted around 20 minutes of your time (depending on difficulty it could be more). It's also sad that none of the characters made it from Mass effect 3 to Andromeda. If they wanted to keep the characters in line with the story well then were's the N7 characters like slayer,shadow,destroyer,etc? What about the Quarians and the Geth because Quarians were mentioned to have their colony be there and I'm sure the geth would have followed since they were made by them.


I still have hope for this game, maybe because I'm a sucker but I do love this universe as it has a grasp of what I like about life today i.e. Exploration and the universe as a whole. I remember a forum post when we all guessed what the story would be around. If you played Mass Effect 3 the ending does show you controlling the reapers, killing them, synthesizing, or even the secret ending where Shepard does survive and tell his story to I guess his grandson or the prothean; we had imagined that the kid in the secret ending was to lead the expedition to Mass effect Andromeda as the damage done to the worlds was pretty large and the relays were all but destroyed.

Message 1 of 27 (887 Views)

Re: Compensation for ME:A and My opinions on the game as a whole.

★★★ Newbie

I forgot to mention as I went off topic but for compensation what should we get, many players including myself have ran into issues where completing strike missions, or missions in multiplayer sometimes do not grant you any credits. There has been frequent disconnects resulting in a lot of loss in credits as well. 


I think we should get all N7 Characters unlocked and 5-10 premium crates. I feel this would be adequate for a game that is still technically if based on steams standards and Microsoft's, a early access game.



Message 2 of 27 (876 Views)

Re: Compensation for ME:A and My opinions on the game as a whole.

★ Guide

Compensation? really? *sighs* I am sorry, seems like this is the first computer game you purchased...since the invention of the abakus, but computer software always will have bugs at release and there after. No entertainment product will ever reach a condition of perfection.


Question, if you go into the cinema and leave the movie with the opinion that one or more artist did a horrible job, do you expect a refund for the lacking entertainment, do you ask the cinema manager to pay you back the price for the cinema ticket? Really? wow... no i guess you didnt, be honest. And why, because your opinion doesnt matter, you purchased the ticket and that was it. You purchased the game and that was it. You might ask for a refund before you play the game, like ask to give the money back for the movie before you entered and that ticket got devalued, but thats all.


Your expection where not satisfied? Awww poor boy.. grow up and accept that your expectations are meaningless.

Message 3 of 27 (861 Views)

Re: Compensation for ME:A and My opinions on the game as a whole.

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Newbie

Simpson3k , *** yes, if someone takes my money and is not up to my expectations, i want it back or compensation. If you like to be fooled, so be it.


4 Games from Bioware will always be on my harddrive, thought ME:A will be the fifth but as it is...nope. ME:Andromegrind wont make it. MP is like working, not having fun gaming.


All the wrong things from ME:3 MP they put in again...* connections, the worst VOIP i've ever been forced to use, no textchat, you cant change skills/keys (in SP, you can, so why not in MP?) and stupid mission objectives so you get bored to death over the time...


...and on top of that, they made it harder and the grind takes a lot more time.


In 6 months, all the "its too easy" whiners will have left cause there's a new "now i can show everybody what a hero i am"-game and those ppl who thought ME:3 MP was fun and played it for over 5 years will have left either, cause as it is, the MP sucks and as ive said, feels like working.


But hey, maybe the "new generation" wants it that and pay and pay, getting fooled again and again and again, and even "work" a game not play a game.


As for me, this was the last game bought at release...thx EA and Bioware, this will safe me a lot of money and time.

Message 4 of 27 (846 Views)

Re: Compensation for ME:A and My opinions on the game as a whole.

★★★★ Pro

@MaxwellCrystal wrote:

What about the Quarians and the Geth because Quarians were mentioned to have their colony be there and I'm sure the geth would have followed since they were made by them.


You know that all their charting by using long-range scans came from Geth intel, right? It's not that they would follow Quarians, but the other way around. It would be likely having advanced geth prior to any other Milky Way species, actually.


Regarding the rest of your post, it's more like I sympathize with the wish for them to give MEA proper attention, way beyond what we expect.

Message 5 of 27 (836 Views)

Re: Compensation for ME:A and My opinions on the game as a whole.

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

@Simpson3k Nice constructive reply and very cute; internet tough guy has been alerted I see.


That analogy is completely broken and you should fix it (Movie to Game comparison).


If I go to a movie and the movie it's self is stuttering, breaks in between, the movie stops randomly and has to be restarted and portion of the movie isn't even completed then yeah you can expect a refund and same thing with ME:A.

Mass Effect Andromeda suffers from a lot of technical problems, multiplayer problems with how code works together (prime example would be the bug where you complete a match but do not get rewarded for completing it or how your character can be improperly loaded into the game which has you as a random character with no abilities and starter weapons).


Compensation for something the game did not bring i.e. a complete game is something to be expected especially if you want to look at it from the multiplayer aspect as I stated where compensation should really come in because the single player wasn't as terribly broke unlike the multiplayer.


Also if you're gonna rage at me at-least rage with correct wording, if at the very least a correct form of sentence(s).

Message 6 of 27 (766 Views)

Re: Compensation for ME:A and My opinions on the game as a whole.

★ Guide

@Gatheron There are so many ways to learn more about a game without actually purchasing it. Written previews, uploaded videos and last but not least this forum here. But if someone buys the game without finding out how much or less bugged it is at release, then you cannot make someone else responsible for your loss. The internet is an open book of information, sure often misguided by opinions but with enough efford you can see through opinions and find the truth.


I for myself simply bought the game because i want to collect these games, i want to have every Mass effect game no matter how flawed or flawless it is. Thats why i preordered it. Played it though one time and deinstalled it. I will return to it once most of the bugs got fixed and enough dlc´s got released.


So why did you purchase the game so blindly without investigation about it first if you are so unable to accept its flaws and ask for compensation like this?

Message 7 of 27 (826 Views)

Re: Compensation for ME:A and My opinions on the game as a whole.

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Guide

Compensation lol. It has become pretty standard for games to release in this state. If you (people) want companies to change their ways don't buy the game and or wait until after it has been patched.

Message 8 of 27 (820 Views)

Re: Compensation for ME:A and My opinions on the game as a whole.

★★★ Newbie


So that's how you view it, if the game is flawed and has numerous bugs just because only you like the series and ignore everything that is wrong with it... no one should be compensated; Amazing that is truly amazing.


So if you're the bunch that played multiplayer and completed tons of matches which let's say 30% of those matches awarded you no credits well tough luck huh? I bought the game simply because I got it for 40$ brand new and after playing early access I thought maybe they'd fix multiplayer or there would've been more to come instead of the same old Mass Effect 3 style multiplayer but this time with more disconnects. Unfortunately I was wrong and met a ton of disconnects in multiplayer, bugs that never existed in the previous title, and still no innovation with the multiplayer. They might as well had scrapped multiplayer and sold this game at 40$ right out of the gate instead of just copying/pasting the multiplayer from Mass Effect 3.


Many companies give a form of compensation due to errors that occur on their behalf and this practice isn't something new but rather old as it's a form of retaining your base while also showing that they're sorry.

Message 9 of 27 (811 Views)

Re: Compensation for ME:A and My opinions on the game as a whole.

★ Guide

I got through your first paragraph and quickly realized you have no idea what you're talking about.

Do you know why there's no pictures of Reapers etc. etc.?  Better yet - do you know why nothing of ME3 is even discussed?

No, probably not - but I'll tell you.  
1. The people on the Arks left before ME3 even started - so how the heck would Shepard be able to share his adventures and pictures lol? They were talking about his encounter with Sovereign... which unbelievably, if you played the original trilogy, you would know the council adamantly denied it - then even after the battle at the Citadel, they refused to acknowledge that more Reapers would be coming... Even up until ME3, when they were landing on the damn doorstep, nobody believed Shepard lol.  So timeline wise it makes perfect sense.

2. If you listened to those audio logs - it's pretty clear the intent of the Arks were to escape the Reapers - but at the same time, the people on the Arks weren't made aware of this.  They had no idea the Reapers were going to the Milky Way and they weren't supposed to!  That is why when you're on the Nexus the announcer talks about how they try to contact the Milky Way and no answer.  They literally have no idea the Reapers existed!  And as of now, the only person in Andromeda who does know is Ryder.  

3. If you played the first game - the almost exact thing that happened is your sarcastic quote: ""Hey guys, there's this thing called the reaper and it's out to get us... now I don't have any pictures or information about it but yeah it's out there"  I think he had a hologram of Sovereign, but at that point they thought it was a Ship, not a living entity.  Literally nobody knew Reapers truly existed until ME3.  The only people who truly knew were Shepard and Jack Wall.  

As for the rest of your argument - They patch games for a reason, they don't owe you compensation no matter how bad launch was (which FYI, wasn't that bad.)  I develop on a hobby engine, and I develop at a Game Boy level - literally pixels and basic code - and even I can't sweep for every bug in the game.  With a team of people, it doesn't matter.  The reason so many bugs spring up at release is because in that instant they have millions upon millions more 'testers' than the odd 10 they probably hired pre-release.  It is so so rare in this day and age that a game actually releases flawlessly - in fact I would daresay it never happens.  Literally every game you can go read their comments and somebody has a bug or an issue, blah blah.  You will never get a bug free game that's just reality.  Be patient and wait for a patch.  I'm not saying devs should release a hot mess on purpose and let us beta-test for them, but I don't think people realize this is an 80 hours game, give or take.  Do you know how much a monumental task it would be to pick through that for bugs pre-release?  I bet they did test it, and probably found a lot of *... but there is so much to consider... every possible variable/switch/trigger and how it will affect everything else from there on... no one person or development team can actually do that when under budget contraints.   

Another thing that really messes with all developers, is that they develop/port these games on dev consoles, which almost always have better specs. than the actual machines.  A PS4 Devkit is far more powerful than an actual PS4.  So they could be testing things and having them work perfectly fine, only to get boned on release because the actual machines out in the market can't cope or is doing something different.  That in itself creates so many issues.

Message 10 of 27 (806 Views)