Apex players. READ THIS!!!


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Apex players. READ THIS!!!

★★★ Newbie



Ur game is dying Apex. A masterpiece is dying. Lack of content, hackers, Prices. U need to fix this.


List of things Apex should do so they could gain plenty of people.


Less pricy. Spending $170 on a hierloom is crazy. Spending $24 on a skin i want in a. Item shop is also crazy. Make 1000 Apex coins like $8-10. Make 2150 Apex coins like $16-19. Just make the price less just by $3-5. Stop focusing on making collection events and heirlooms instead of thinking of the rest. 


Itemshop refresh time. Having to wait a whole week to see disepointment. Same old skins. Make the itemshop refresh time like 3 days instead of a whole week. Make a web site there designers makes a drawing on a Apex skin to a legend and pick one out that u like. Than sell it in the item shop for a good price and not insanely expensive.


Make controller players be able to play on mouse and keyboard. This would make more people come back or come play Apex. Making the servers the same so controller could play with pc would make it better. Be able to play with pc friends would be great. Make every mouse and keyboard settings the same like on pc. Buff aim assist on controller just by 5-10% so they have it a bit easier to meat mnk gods. 


Anti cheat. If u would now make the pc and controlled players play on the same servers there will be hackers. Its lots of hackers on pc servers right now and merging these two would make it worse. Making a better anti cheat and really looking in to the hackers game play and baning them would make it a lot better.


Make new stuff to the game. Make a new character like every third season instead of like never now days. Make new guns every second season would make the game more fun being able to play with more stuff and having other stuff to do in the game than just having the same old charechters makes it boring.


Game modes. Solo,duo,trio,squad,ranked and like a death game or a gun game and some special game mods each event should just be a thing that always should be there. 


Trackers/bagdes. Make more bagdes and trackers. Make more color trackers just like with one cololord tracker would be cool. Make more bagdes and easier bagdes. Example. Like 1k damage bagde.


Sorry for my bad English but im from Sweden. I hope Apex take this advise cuz this could make Apex playercount and just Apex be more fun. 



I hope everyone reading this shares this and maybe share this or take contact with a dev. 


I also hope everyone reading this haves a good night,morning,afternoon or whatever.


Please comment on this and upvote it so people can see this. I would really like to speak to a dev too. 


Vypex scry/ not real abc out.

Message 1 of 4 (236 Views)

Re: Apex players. READ THIS!!!

★★★★★ Expert

Appreciate the enthusiasm, etc. But I have to look at this point by point.

The price of anything in the store is irrelevant. They should charge what ever they can get away with. There's nothing there anyone needs, only things people think, for whatever reason, that they want. Gouge away, Respawn. The richer EA gets then the sooner I can retire.

Your take on mnk/controller, console/pc, seems to run counter to the conventional wisdom. Personally I would like Respawn to flip the switch that prevents any PC player from ever getting into a console lobby for any reason. That would be the best anti-cheat of all time.

New stuff for the game... this I can get behind. Not that I ever have any use for anything new they ever add in except for new maps. But I get that people like new stuff. Personally I think the game already has too many weapons, most of them useless, and too many different legends, half of them just mix-and-match versions of the originals. Where they could really get creative is with game types. But all they ever do is release LTMs that water down the basic BR formula, never IMO for the better. Always inferior to the real thing. But I still hope for something new that I'll actually like. Bot Royale was a very tentative step in the right direction, but there's too much work to be done there for it to be viable as a daily, permanent addition to the game. Maybe in time, who knows?

Sorry to be so disagreeable, but there it is. And your English is just fine. Way better than my Swedish. Though I drive a Volvo if that counts for anything!
Message 2 of 4 (216 Views)

Re: Apex players. READ THIS!!!

★★★ Expert
@reconzero "Personally I would like Respawn to flip the switch that prevents any PC player from ever getting into a console lobby for any reason. That would be the best anti-cheat of all time."

Message 3 of 4 (186 Views)

Re: Apex players. READ THIS!!!

★★★★ Pro

Ask 10 players and you'll hear at least 10 different reasons why Apex is currently dying. Standard smile

Nr. 2 one wants solos back, nr. 2 wants quads back, nr. 3 wants a better shop-content etc.


I think the five main-reasons ("the big five") why so many people left Apex Legends over the last months (and why this game is dying) are:


1) The server-/connection-quality (lots of issues like crashes, lags, packet-loss, netcode-issues, frame-drops...)

2) The bad matchmaking which just doesn´t work...it actually never did!

3) The everlasting cheater-problem

4) Respawn and EA, who have simply never listened to their community. A quite ignorant (communication-avoiding) behavior.

5) Bad support


To keep this game alive, they should take it offline for a while to fix the server-structure and all the bugs that are still in the game.
They (Respawn) should finally start communicating with us - here in this forum or somewhere else. But we need answers and someone (on developer side) who listens/reacts to our suggestions for improvement etc.
This could be the beginning of a new era.

Message 4 of 4 (145 Views)