Apex You are losing us!!!

by EPS1234

Original Post

Re: Apex You are losing us!!!

★ Guide

That is ambiguous, it could have meant the launch of Season 22 since that's what we care about. That's what would have impressed me.

Message 11 of 14 (306 Views)

Re: Apex You are losing us!!!

[ Edited ]
Community Manager


Fair enough, without any specific conditionals included there this can be read as from the launch of the game rather than a particular season.


If you read the article itself, this is included below as well.

Since its launch in 2019, we have banned more than 6 million accounts

This is an overall picture of the situation so we can all be on the same page.


Beyond that, we'll pass the feedback along for any future updates, thanks!

Message 12 of 14 (302 Views)

Re: Apex You are losing us!!!

★ Guide

I see that now, but not in the TLDR. How many have been banned this season? That's the important figure.

Message 13 of 14 (297 Views)

Re: Apex You are losing us!!!

★ Guide

Thank you for the update much appreciated 

Message 14 of 14 (267 Views)