Apex Legends - South Africa Server

by schalk9917

Original Post

Apex Legends - South Africa Server

★ Novice

Good day, Does anyone know what the process or possibilities are to start an Apex server in South Africa?

What are the criteria for such a request, We have a whole community in SA that is online and this will increase the userbase as we need to play on a 200-350 ms ping constantly.

Message 1 of 3 (140 Views)

Re: Apex Legends - South Africa Server

★ Novice

Can we get all the SA PC players to start making alt accounts and just start hacking, bombard the EU Servers with hackers with gamertags like GiveUsSouthAfricanServersToStopHacks XD

Message 2 of 3 (98 Views)

Re: Apex Legends - South Africa Server

★★★★★ Apprentice

We been asking for it for so long. Problem is they gave us Bahrain and all the South Africans kept playing in Europe. We played ourselves because now the closest server is dead

Message 3 of 3 (92 Views)