Re: Aiming? (PC)

by DevilDog89

Original Post

Aiming? (PC)

★★★ Newbie

I noticed that my controls for aiming was set to toggle, so I changed it to hold, but I still have to toggle between aiming despite the change in the menu. How do I fix this?


I'm used to holding right click to aim and sprinting away after, so this is really affecting my gameplay.

Message 1 of 3 (405 Views)

Re: Aiming? (PC)

★ Apprentice

Did you apply the change? (F)

Message 2 of 3 (396 Views)

Re: Aiming? (PC)

★★ Novice
Make sure that you accept the changes on the bottom of the options screen before backing out into the game. The hold-to-aim feature does exist, and works properly. Send a screenshot if you need further help.
Message 3 of 3 (345 Views)