Re: 1.1.1 Patch Notes Discussion - Live 04/16/2019

by warslag

Original Post

Re: 1.1.1 Patch Notes Discussion - Live 04/16/2019

★★★★ Pro

@Jcs2380 wrote:

@Silz616 wrote:

Although hit reg, audio and slow servers was top of the list for me, I'm happy to see these changes and see how they improve things. All very positive imo. Drop ship speed increase could be a stroke of genius!


Thanks for keeping us informed. I for one, appreciate it.

The bad hit registration and not hearing enemy footsteps are the biggest problems I have with this game. Bad hit registration, projectile weapons and low ammo capacity is a not a good combination. Increasing the ammo capacity of all the other weapons in the game would of  helped. Nerfing the Wingman and Spitfire wasn't the way to go imo. The drop ship increase  and changes to the gold weapons was nice though.

I get where you're coming from. We shall see how it pans out over the next few weeks of gameplay.


I trust Respawn to get the balance right.


I'm hoping for a fix in the near future for the audio and lag/hit registration. At least they acknowledge there is a problem and are looking into it.

Message 31 of 47 (616 Views)

Re: 1.1.1 Patch Notes Discussion - Live 04/16/2019

Champion (Retired)



Your reply here shows how Gibraltar and Caustic struggle to keep up with their squads, and that Caustic is actually best when playing in a building presumably again away from his squad.


So what's the point of 10% damage absorption when they both need far greater mobility to stay with their squads so that don't rely on squad mates in the way that other Legends don't rely on squad mates either.


It's a squad game but where is the care and attention from the devs to make sure that squad play is evolving?


I think this is a lily-livered patch.

Message 32 of 47 (606 Views)

Re: 1.1.1 Patch Notes Discussion - Live 04/16/2019

Community Manager

@warslag wrote:

So what's the point of 10% damage absorption when they both need far greater mobility to stay with their squads so that don't rely on squad mates in the way that other Legends don't rely on squad mates either.




Regarding 10% damage reduction, this was the official response on why the development team leaned in that direction:



At the start of Season 1, we previously talked about how our beloved Thicc Bois (Pathfinder, Gibraltar and Caustic) were getting crushed due to their hitbox size compared to other Legends. We first wanted to try adjusting hitboxes to better fit the model. For Pathfinder, this change worked very well. (Note: separately, we are actively investigating and working on fixing unrelated hit registration issues sometimes affecting all characters). However, after looking at the data and player feedback, Gibraltar and Caustic only improved slightly with the hitbox adjustments.


We don’t believe that hit box and character kit tuning is sufficient to bring Gibraltar and Caustic in line with their smaller competitors. Starting with Patch 1.1.1, Gibraltar and Caustic will get a new perk added to their passive - Fortified**, which reduces damage taken by 10%.** Over the week or two following this change, we will be watching how they perform with this additional protection and aggressively tune it if they are still underpowered relative to their size. Our goal is to ensure both Legends are viable picks by the end of this process.


Additionally, we’re also making a few quality of life kit adjustments to ensure their marquee abilities are a more impactful part of their individual playstyles.




Message 33 of 47 (593 Views)

Re: 1.1.1 Patch Notes Discussion - Live 04/16/2019

★★★★★ Expert

Gibby struggle in short and medium distance combat so He also struggles in the room, dancing the tango with an enemy, he seems naked in open space.


He is suitable for long-range combat with a sniper-type weapon but this game is not suitable for a sniper, enemy move so fast, barely any of them stay put for 1 second, they all jump like a bunny.


Whoever born (designs) Gibby, she needs to ask him to get slimmer before session 2.


Why can't he get slimmer?? Any reason he has to be that FAT?

Message 34 of 47 (591 Views)

Re: 1.1.1 Patch Notes Discussion - Live 04/16/2019

Champion (Retired)

@EA_BlueberryThanks for linking that. The justification for the 10% thing is poor and the reasoning behind it does not support either squad play or solo play for Gibraltar or Caustic.


@asukojoThey are big because they are supposed to do a mega amount of damage through their Ultimate abilities.


Obviously these abilities have emerged to not be anything like as affective as they would have to be to justify the size of the two Legends.


They are useless when they don't have squad mates around which means they are just useless.


I think they should be retired and replaced. The super-scientists at Respawn could just recycle them into small fast Wraith-like Legends as that is undeniably the meta and the devs have done nothing to change that with this patch.

Message 35 of 47 (577 Views)

Re: 1.1.1 Patch Notes Discussion - Live 04/16/2019

★★★★ Pro

@gg123xyz wrote:

@EA_Blueberry wrote:

Starting with Patch 1.1.1, Gibraltar and Caustic will get a new perk added to their passive - Fortified**, which reduces damage taken by 10%.** Over the week or two following this change, we will be watching how they perform with this additional protection and aggressively tune it if they are still underpowered relative to their size. Our goal is to ensure both Legends are viable picks by the end of this process.



16 games 17 deaths 0 kills as Gibraltar, all games were played tonight... i will continue to play tonight and upload compilations of every gibraltars death using this new found 10 percent passive to Gibraltar. my message is 10 percent is muy bueno for caustic but not enough for Gibraltar, maybe 30 percent passive damage reduction is needed because 10 percent isnt enough..;


I don't see a need for it to be higher than 10%. You are ADSing at super close range and your aim is a bit iffy and slow to track your target.


I have a clip with Caustic where I down a whole squad while sponging some damage. I nail a fast moving octane followed by his team mates, while getting pot shot at by a third team. I even managed to use a tree as a bit of cover (not completely because Caustic is fat, but  you get my drift).


Both Caus and Gib move the same speed as the other legends at base speed. It feels slower due to a slower animation. Both are much more viable now imo without being crazy spongey.

Message 36 of 47 (576 Views)

Re: 1.1.1 Patch Notes Discussion - Live 04/16/2019

[ Edited ]
★★ Pro

whats ads mean? and i think caustic is better at 10 percent, hes cool now before he was an old man. but gibraltar, man he gets hit where wraith doesnt and those hits add up! his dome isnt useful like caustic traps are in cqc, all gibraltar in cqc is his health and tiny shield that takes time to pop up. even giving his shield more health would be good so it buys him at least another second in a room with a person with a semi decent gun. like 120 more health to the shield which is like two wingman shots or longbow shots. give him a threatening shield and now gibraltar is useful.

Message 37 of 47 (557 Views)

Re: 1.1.1 Patch Notes Discussion - Live 04/16/2019

★★★★ Pro

@gg123xyz ADSing is Aim Down Sights. In as closer quarters as you were in some of those engagements, you needed to be hip firing to keep your mobility.

Message 38 of 47 (539 Views)

Re: 1.1.1 Patch Notes Discussion - Live 04/16/2019

[ Edited ]
★★ Pro

i sacrifice hip shot accuracy for higher mouse sensitivity so i dont have to move my wrist as much which stops carpal tunnel syndrome. for ads i have to have a lower sensitivity or i miss shows when i ads. ads isnt good for all ranges. 


this makes it so i have a hard time aiming and have to try and work around it by holding up in rooms or using caustic gas to slow down my opponent, or sniping. otherwise i have to try a mix of ads or hip shot as i see fit in a cqc thats not where i have a room and wait but am ambushed in the open, i like the peacemaker for these types of fights.

Message 39 of 47 (531 Views)

Re: 1.1.1 Patch Notes Discussion - Live 04/16/2019

★★★ Guide

@gg123xyz  I watched that video. Some constructiive feedback even though it might be taken as an insult.


You tagged yourself with your own airstrike around 3:50.

Your aim is really not good enough especially at close combat you don't track them nearly well enough also you're using ADS during close combat even though you're Gib, learn to hipfire at that range.

You don't assist your team when they're in a firefight they mayaswell be playing 2v3 if you don't do damage, numerous times I seen you just hiding in a corner or throwing a grenade/ult and even then not capitalizing on it, Gib has one of the best ults in the game, it almost always lands on the enemy, I have downed squads using it.

Positioning is also very bad, something you should be aware of but that can come with time.


I'm not saying Gib is in a good balance position, I still wouldn't main him and I think the 10% reduction is lazy game design. Your ability to not get kills though isn't down to the legend it's you the player.

Message 40 of 47 (645 Views)