January - last edited January
NHL24 - January 25th Tuner Updates:
Available at 12 PM EST
Offensive Puck Ragging:
Community Feedback: Players can take advantage of the Full Pressure system to puck rag in the offensive zone and run out the clock.
Community Feedback: Pressure should not be gained through simple offensive zone puck possession. This encourages players to continuously cycle the puck to build up Pressure instead of actively attacking the opposing team.
Hustling and Energy:
Community Feedback: Straight line hustling is a very prominent strategy. Skaters who have no energy are able to hustle at high speed, allowing them to stay ahead of defenders even when exhausted. Tiring out a skater should carry more risk, making players pick their moments to Hustle or conserve energy.
Additional Updates:
Happy to see that EA are still adapting and improving things.
Hope the new tuner will not mess up my sliders too much🫣
I think the pressure system was poorly received because it was so lopsided in favour of offense - by adding a feature that allows the D to counter/build their own, it'd be near perfect in my opinion.
I've played at a high level as well and can see the merit to a pressure system but fully agree there need to be certain tweaks. I have been absolutely gassed and more willing to take a hook/slash and be on the verge of just passing out but I've never floppy chickened my way in goal or outright didn't make an effort, no matter how futile, to get my body infront of the puck.
Losing more stamina and making harder to regain is realistic, but I don't like to see a timed lockdown on it when i'm literally not moving at all
All good changes, at least on paper. I look forward to seeing how things work in-game.
I'm glad the development team is still willing to listen to feedback and make changes. Especially to something like the pressure system that they obviously thought was a great idea and has gone over like a lead balloon. In years past I could easily see them just leaving it as-is for the entire life of the game.
It would be good if they would also include community feedback on the presentation, namely that the full presentation needs to come back as an option for NHL 25
Why is simply letting us clear the puck not getting fixed? It's been broken since launch.
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