Sims 4 Sims grayed out

by Whatsername85

Original Post

Sims 4 Sims grayed out

★ Novice

Hello everyone so I recently started having a problem with my Sims 4 game. I have version running on Windows 10 Pro and this issue just started today. I made a family in Newcrest and played for a week or so. I than added a new family into that town next door to the previous family and played them. When I went back to my first family game file the house is essentially locked off to me, if they are inside I can't play them I can't even see inside the house unless I zoom in and than it's empty. None of them work they all make money painting, crafting and such except the kids going to school. So when I loaded in my file I noticed that it makes me pick a Sim to play not the whole family which it hasn't ever done before and one of the Sims has died apparently. Is there anyway of fixing this file or do i essentially have to start over? I don't normally "Save as" since I haven't had issues with save files before although I'll start now but I feel like I'm screwed. I don't have CC or mods installed. I also tried a game repair that didn't help any.

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Re: Sims 4 Sims grayed out

Champion (Retired)



When you have more than one family in a savegame those you aren't currently playing still goes on with their lives including dying. If you don't want that you can turn off aging or play with separate save files.

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