May 2021
My sim is supposed to be able to have the option to read a book but none of the book shelves even at the library or the ones I bought for her own house have the option for her to read.
Also her computer doesn't offer options to write to improve her skills.
Can someone help me?
May 2021 - last edited May 2021
@xalexh77 Is this an issue for your Sims in other households? Is the issue present if you begin a new game save and move her into a home there? When did the issue just begin or has it always been there? Do you use Mods/CC?
If the issue is there for other Sims and in a new game save you can try:
A game repair:
Test without Mods/CC and by removing the cache file:
May 2021
May 2021 - last edited May 2021
@xalexh77 Hello back! 😊 What I meant is Mods and Custom Content. There is some great information on use of Mods/CC at this link:
There is additional troubleshooting information at this link as well:
Did it make any difference to run the game repair? Since you are on Mac please refer to the link on BluebellFlora's website. (Mentioned in comment #2 - directions in the spoiler tag.)
May 2021
@xalexh77 When you say forming a group, do you mean as in the type of activity you would need the pack "Get Together" for?
You can also get tons of information to help you learn the game in the many great Carl's Guides:
There are some additional resources listed here:
May 2021
May 2021 - last edited May 2021
@xalexh77 If you do not own any other packs you will nave no other packs to update. The path to finding folder where the game is installed and the one where your player information is saved (your tray folder, saves, etc.) are two different things, and they are installed in two different locations on your computer.
For instance, the way my folder is found for me on my Mac:
Go > Home > Sheri > Applications and that is where I see the game install... mine looks like this:
...and if you owned additional packs you would have a folder that says "The Sims 4 Packs" there. If you have no packs just repair the game in Origin as follows:
Open Origin, click ‘Game Library’ then right-click Sims 4 > Repair Game
Just for clarification, if you were looking for the game folder with your game saves, tray folder, etc., it is located at:
Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4
Mine looks like this: