June 2021
June 2021 - last edited June 2021
I would like the see the issue [OPEN] [PS5] Sims 4 freezing Patch 1.39 get fixed with the next patch.
A lot of players on the PS5 cannot play this game at all, it freezes as soon as you load into a world. It is impossible to even get to a household. A lot of players (me included) have spend a lot of money of the DLC packs as well. It has been broken for a while now.
Sorry to say, but if this would be an issue on the PC it already would have been fixed. Console players always get the short end of the stick.
Or at leat undo patch 1.39 for the PS5, so we can play.
June 2021
[@LeissaMyst and @AquaBeaver I moved your replies to this discussion thread as they belong here a little more]
@LeissaMyst I believe the bug you're mentioned is covered by "Sim Profile not opening after Learning (Dis)Likes/LUIE occurring".
As mentioned, while we are hoping to be able to solve by the next patch, depending on the complexity of the bug this may not be possible.
If this bug isn't covering the issue you're facing, please check the bug forum and see if your problem is listed, and if not, please submit a bug report.
@AquaBeaver Since that bug is notated as [OPEN], this means we're aware of the issue. The Laundry list only denotes the top community concerns, while we're aiming to prioritize these bugs, it does not mean we're not working on other open bugs and issues. Unfortunately, we can't provide further info on the status of this bug, but I assure you, we're aware of it
June 2021
I wish it was like the old days...where you give a error log and everything's fixed in two or three days; but that's enough complaining out of me, thank you for your insight. I digress, I'm from an older generation of gamer, and I have experience with testing programs, and such (albeit nobody makes much of a profession off that these days, best I can manage is some virtual currency for a commission here or there lol), so forgive me if I get a bit frustrated, know that it's not as much frustrated AT you as WITH you, because I understand better than some people what it's like to have people waiting for their stuff to be fixed, as the person responsible to fix it; So just try not to read too much into my thoughts with this bug. I'm trying my best to be patient, because that's the only thing that really helps.
TL/DR: Thank you for everything, and sorry if I'm frustrated at the timing of the process.
June 2021
Kinda sad to read that the game not working at all on the PS5 is not in the "top community concerns".
You can't even load into a household. :-/
But hopefully it will be fixed in a few months.
June 2021
I feel like Console-only bugs are utterly deprioritzed here. To an extreme.
Snowboarding has been broken since November on PS4. NOVEMBER!
That's 7 months. Sure it says 'Open' but really? 7 months? One of the main features broken in a dlc? I refuse to believe this wouldn't have been fixed by now if it affected PC.
This one took a YEAR:
Again, console only bug. If you can't fix the bugs, then please, at least communicate. I'm not going to pretend I know precisely how complicated these bugs are for you (Seriously though? Pointer trapped in a dialog box? A year?) - but the appearance is that you're not doing anything and/or don't care.
June 2021
They also broke Brand Name Product in Get Famous
So it can cause instant crashes for some people right after they make a Brand.
Considering this is a Crash to Desktop - you would think this would be a high priority issue.
July 2021 - last edited July 2021
It for sure feels like the don't care about console-only bugs.
Hope it it is not true though, and they are working on it. Who knows.
It is kinda sad they release new musical festivals ingame only for a limited amout of time to be enjoyed, and then PS5 players cannot even login to a household. Basicly I can only watch that content looking on YouTube watching PC players play with the thing. At the moment The Sims 4 on PS5 is in a worse state then Cyberpunk 2077 (or Cyberbug in console terms) when it released on the PS4. And that game actually got removed from the PSN Store by Sony. While in fact Cyberpunk did boot up, and I could play it with some graphical annomalies/lagging.
While with The Sims 4 freezes solid at the world menu.
I read about that snowboarding bug, that is kinda sad that one is broken for such a long time as well. I don't have that pack, but since a snowboarding Sim is the image of that pack I would also expect that part too work. Hope that issue will be fixed soon as well. We shoudl deffinitly create some awareness that console players are custumers and fans too.
July 2021
July 2021 - last edited July 2021
Since EA broke The Sims 4 on PS5, and don't bother fixing the 100% world menu freezing issue, I do am keeping a close eye on Paralives for sure. Game looks real intresting and stuff. Also the build meganics are insane! So much more detailed and options then on The Sims 4. I would for sure buy it if it releases.
Besides, the Sims 4 is getting old.
The fact that it doesn't run at all on the newest console version (PS5) shows something. There are only a handfull of PS4 games you cannot run on PS5, and The Sims 4 is one of them. Soon it will be dead and burried and Paralives will take over the market.
The thing what makes me sad though, is that I played a lot with Sims pretending to have a live living off the land. Making money with fishing and collecting stuff, and singing/playing music. And now they release this pack that they advertise everywhere that actually can make my Sims live off the land but then I cannot play it because they broke the game a few months ago and don't bother fixing. Just a "we keep an eye on the issue". Don't get me wrong, i wouldn't buy the pack anymore with a game so instable.
If I could swap over to PC I would do it, it is just then I will have to buy the game again, and I don't wanna buy a game for a 2nd time that I already have and that EA broke themselves on playstation.