Re: sim cleans bathroom sink instead of showering

by Sketch793

Original Post

sim cleans bathroom sink instead of showering

★★★★★ Novice

so as the title said, my sim does not go shower when i click on the hygene thing. heres a video of the problem.

then my sims act like i have autonomy on, which i dont have. they always go and put the infant to sleep even when it doesnt need to.

as you can see my sims are naked and its because i took out all my mods and cc and the problem still occurs

Message 1 of 2 (256 Views)

Re: sim cleans bathroom sink instead of showering

★ Expert

Your Sim did take a shower after you clicked on the Hygiene autosolve button the second time. It seems strange that cleaning the sink was his first choice, and taking a shower was only the second choice, but that's the kind of logic you have to put up with when you let a game run things. Clearly your Sim does consider taking showers to also be a way of solving Hygiene, so I don't think there's really a problem. 


I rarely use autosolve for Needs. When I do, I always check the action that the game chooses and override it with my own choice if I don't like the game's solution. It's my experience that the game's solution is often a very poor choice, which is why I seldom even bother trying it. 


I didn't see any actions involving an Infant. I also didn't see any naked Sims, except when your Sim was taking his shower, and he was appropriately blurred when that happened. 

Message 2 of 2 (193 Views)

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