Re: lovestruck date error

by crinrict

Original Post

lovestruck date error

★★★ Newbie

My dates using the new create a date feature looks like its glitched out. My dates are ending as soon as as they start and keeps damaging the relationship due to it being ended too soon. cant seem to fix it. unsure what to do now. the normal date system works fine. 

Message 1 of 3 (227 Views)

Re: lovestruck date error

@k_whitoop Are you using mods/cc ? Does it depend which Sims you invite ?

Good Luck


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Message 2 of 3 (197 Views)

Re: lovestruck date error

★ Guide

This seems to be a common issue. I'd look it up in Forums and see if anyone else has found a solution Standard smile
Message 3 of 3 (184 Views)

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