No, you don't. Sorry if I confused you. All you have to do for your lone sim is to remove all the fruit from the unidentified plants from the sim's inventory. If you have a BG storage chest on your rental lot, that's a good place to put them so you don't lose them. Otherwise, you can lay them out on the ground or sell them from the inventory. Then go out into the Granite Falls zones where the ones you have not identified are and harvest them again. Since both of the ones you are having a problem with grow in the park zone, just go to that zone before 5 AM when the plants begin to bear (assuming that the plants are already full grown). After 5:30 AM go to the plants in the zone and pick them. All the fruit that is in your inventory at that point should say unidentified. Then use the option to identify them. The milestone should complete. The only reason it might not complete is that it's not one of those two plants that the game thinks you haven't identified. So, if the milestone doesn't complete, then you'll need to go to all 3 zones and pick all the plants and identify the fruit. If you go through identifying all 10 plants again and it still doesn't complete, then something has probably glitched for that sim and you may never be able to complete it for her without using a cheat.
What I meant by saying that I grow them at home and bring them with me on vacation is that your sims can know all the plants except the one that you can't buy (Toxic Chamomile) at the grocery or garden stalls in Finchwick before you go to Granite Falls. I bring them so I have enough for multiple sims to work on the milestone to get Herbalism to level 10 in the last tier of the aspiration if there is time before vacation ends. I don't pull them out of the chest until I get to that milestone though. I usually play larger households so it seems I can never harvest enough of the Granite Falls plants while I am there to get all the sims in a household through that milestone while in Granite Falls.
But any of the unidentified plants in Granite Falls will always be unidentified regardless of whether you've gotten them earlier from the stalls, raiding another household's garden or an earlier trip to Granite Falls. The only plants in the Granite Falls zones that are identified are strawberry, basil, sage, tomatoes, carrots, blackberries and maybe one more (onion?). The 10 plants unique to Granite Falls are always unidentified when you pick them. But you have already identified them once and have those in your inventory, the unidentified ones will go into the same stack making it a little harder to find them.
Hope this helps.
May - last edited May
So update: I have 9/10 right now. One of the plants I reharvested and attempted to identify was a noxious elderberry I believe, now to find the last one… yeah mixing the stacks is a lot so I just spam it and hope it completes
May - last edited May
I have 3 different stacks of the wild plants so I’ll try this method instead and just wait till they revert back to unidentified plant, do you know how many days it took to revert back and work?
One more question, do I have to be on the vacation map to wait for the identified plants in the stacks to revert back to unidentified to work? or can I go home to wait also?
Hello everyone, it’s been awhile! I wanted to give an update and say that it worked! Thank you everyone for your time and help! All I did was separate the identified fire leaf from the unidentified and it worked successfully so I appreciate the sincere help!
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