Sims 4 Outdoor Enthusiast Bug on PS5

by Torror-Stricken

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Sims 4 Outdoor Enthusiast Bug on PS5

★★★★ Novice

Hi I’ve having issues with trying to complete the Outdoor Enthusiast Aspiration -

I’m currently on 3) Wilderness Explorer - I have everything else completed except Identify All Unidentified Plants 8/10.


The problem being is, I had bought cottage living and outdoor pack at the same time and I had decided to explore the cottage living map first and I had bought huckleberry’s and muckleberry’s from the market not thinking anything of it at the time and I planted them.


I then took a 2 year break from the game in 2022 because my PS4 would no longer run the game properly and so flash forward 2 years later to now 2024 I transferred my game to my PS5 and it works great now so I decided to work on the Outdoor Enthusiast Aspiration and I identified all unidentified plants but it’s keeping me at 8/10 and I really need help finding a way to possibly reverse it or reset it somehow because I’m playing my MAIN sim who’ve I’ve built YEARS worth of work into since the game actually came out and I’d hate to see this wasted from a simple bug.

Since technically I found and bought, then planted, the huckleberry and muckleberry so early on not realizing it could affect this aspiration because technically it’s “identified” by now and I am desperate to find some sort of loop it could be fixed.


Which brings me to my next point: I don’t not use cheats at all I’m not interested in doing that as a solution that’s seems frustrating to me if that makes sense.

One of the things I tried doing was ending the vacation and waiting for summer to come back again and go back on vacation to wait for all the plants to regrow again and it showed that the wild plants are still viewed as “unidentified” even though I had already done so and I did try it again for the hell of it and it doesn’t count because I already did so before. Confusing. 

Conclusion, I just would like some advice or different ways that this could be solved because it’s disappointing that these packs have been out and still no fixes for bugs like these after years of them being out. It kinda has me feeling I wasted money for a game pack that I can’t even finish the aspiration for because of these problems, any help is appreciated, thank you so much!




Message 1 of 18 (811 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Sims 4 Outdoor Enthusiast Bug on PS5

@Torror-Stricken I think it's worked in both places for me. It was quite random. I don't think the location itself was a factor, just the amount of harvestables I had. I think bigger stacks worked better and then in amongst those stacks suddenly I hit a batch that were unidentified.
I combined it with the Collector and Fishing Aspirations while I was on with it to keep collecting points...but importantly remembering to switch back to the Outdoor Enthusiast Aspiration when my harvestables reverted to unidentified.
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Message 16 of 18 (1,143 Views)

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Re: Sims 4 Outdoor Enthusiast Bug on PS5

[ Edited ]

Hi there @Torror-Stricken I think you're having the same issue I've had but there is a workaround. Just keep harvesting them and go through the stacks in your inventory, some of the harvestables in the stacks will be unidentified. It may take a little while for this to happen but it does work.

So for example you have a stack of Noxious Elderberry, I keep harvesting and then go through the stack one by one taking them out or planting them. Eventually I get to 1 or 2 in the stack that are unidentified. Or, I keep them in my inventory for a while and they eventually revert back to unidentified. It's more likely to work with a large stack.


It's easier to sort through them on a home lot as it can involve placing berries everywhere. It's easier to clear them up in build mode instead of grabbing them all up again individually.


I found an open bug report here. If you'd like to go to the first post and click Me Too and add a reply if you'd like to do so.

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Message 2 of 18 (781 Views)

Re: Sims 4 Outdoor Enthusiast Bug on PS5

★ Expert

I would probably just cheat the milestone if I ran into that problem, after I felt like I had tried hard enough. Of course, I already completed it several times when Outdoor Retreat was released, before Seasons and Cottage Living messed with it.


testingCheats on 


Message 3 of 18 (761 Views)

Re: Sims 4 Outdoor Enthusiast Bug on PS5


If I can just add to that point @Sketch793 just to make sure the OP is aware that a cheat requiring testing cheats on will disable console achievements/trophies.

There are some cheats that don't have this effect but unfortunately this is one that does.

Like you I agree mine was fine before Seasons and Cottage Living, it's a shame because I love Outdoor Retreat.

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Message 4 of 18 (754 Views)

Re: Sims 4 Outdoor Enthusiast Bug on PS5

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Novice

@simsplayer818Okay so I go back to the map pick whatever unidentified plant and have them in my inventory, go back to my home once I have 10-20 of them, and plant all of them and it’ll eventually revert back and work? The large stacks I usually get the most of is the toxic chamomile, I have all of them spliced onto other plants; should that be a problem? Because when I harvest ones that I’ve already done it does show up as still being unidentified still but when I try to attempt to identify it, it works but it doesn’t count towards my aspiration anyways.
Or I should still keep the stack that I identified originally even though it doesn’t work and it’ll eventually go back to unidentified and it’ll work then?

Message 5 of 18 (751 Views)

Re: Sims 4 Outdoor Enthusiast Bug on PS5

★ Expert

@simsplayer818 wrote:

If I can just add to that point @Sketch793 just to make sure the OP is aware that a cheat requiring testing cheats on will disable console achievements/trophies.

There are some cheats that don't have this effect but unfortunately this is one that does.

Oops. I play on PC, so I tend to forget that the cheats will affect trophies and achievements on console.

Message 6 of 18 (747 Views)

Re: Sims 4 Outdoor Enthusiast Bug on PS5

★★★★ Novice
@Sketch793 Yeah it sucks 😭 because honestly if there was cheat that could bypass that without disabling achievements I would do it but I’m on console so I have to work with what I got, but I do apppreciate the feedback anyways, I’m too far deep in my sim to just give up yk?
Message 7 of 18 (745 Views)

Re: Sims 4 Outdoor Enthusiast Bug on PS5

[ Edited ]



I've had that happen when I mistakenly moved identified fruit from a sim who had identified it already to one that hadn't.  But like @simsplayer818 said, you have to go through the stack to find the one or two that are unidentified.  Or you could just dump them all in a chest or move them to another sim that has identified everything and send the sim that hasn't back out to harvest the unidentified plants again.  Even with sims who have already identified the fruit, they will still show up in the sim inventory as unidentified and the sim will have to identify them again.  You shouldn't have to use a cheat for the milestone.


If you have Cottage Living, I've found that I can buy 9 of the 10 OR plants at the grocery and gardening stalls.  So, by the time I get a household to go to Granite Falls, I have grown the plants in my garden and have a lot of them saved.  I carry them with me when I go on vacation, so I have enough for all the sims in the household to work on the Herbalism skill when they get to the last tier milestone to max Herbalism.  I place a BG storage chest on my rental lot beforehand, so I have a place to keep the fruit I brought with me separate from the unidentified plants and only pull them out once all the sims in the group have gotten through the identify 10 unidentified plants milestone.  Makes life a little easier for me working on the aspiration. So, you can have plants identified beforehand and still complete that milestone.  All you need to do is collect fruit from the unidentified plants out in the GF world zones. 


Hope this helps.

Message 8 of 18 (721 Views)

Re: Sims 4 Outdoor Enthusiast Bug on PS5

@Torror-Stricken I sympathise about cheats. Especially as we can't use mods to fix issues either.
You will get there with this problem. It just takes a while but it is doable.
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Message 9 of 18 (709 Views)

Re: Sims 4 Outdoor Enthusiast Bug on PS5

★★★★ Novice
@CGrant56 I’m doing my completionist run on my single household sim and it’s just her that’s doing it, so if I’m understanding right; I have to grow these plants separately on my own lot and then bring those grown plants and a chest to go on vacation with and it’ll work?
Message 10 of 18 (690 Views)

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