Needs Not Decreasing

by EmilyGracee13

Original Post

Needs Not Decreasing

★★★ Newbie

I am currently playing a household with 7 sims and all of their needs bars are stuck at full. I have 2 Infants and both of them keep crying and have a moodlet that says they are tired but when I open their needs panel their energy need is full (screenshot below) This does not seem to be happening on any of my other saves as far as I can tell.


I have removed all mods and repaired my game and the issue still occurs. I'm not sure what else to try. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Message 1 of 3 (132 Views)

Re: Needs Not Decreasing

★★★ Newbie
@EmilyGracee13 Just replying to add a little bit of context -
- My infant sims attention need does seem to go down but that is the only one
- I saved my household and moved it to a new save file, and there was no issues with their needs it that file.

Some other things I tried -
- I tried shift clicking and reseting my sims which did not work
- I tried to shift click a playful sim and then pressed 'cheat needs' 'make happy' this had absolutely no effect on the sim at all.
Message 2 of 3 (120 Views)

Re: Needs Not Decreasing

★ Guide
@EmilyGracee13 I'm so sorry that this has happened to you!

It appears that you have solved the problem without any assistance, well done! You will need to play your household in a new save file Standard smile
Message 3 of 3 (77 Views)

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