Re: My needs menu isn't changing with the occult Sims

by Sketch793

Original Post

My needs menu isn't changing with the occult Sims

★★★ Newbie

I am not sure when this happened cause I only just noticed when I remembered that I can have vampires in the game and make my sims vampires. Then I noticed the needs menu is supposed to change. However, that change isn't happening. 

Message 1 of 4 (188 Views)

Re: My needs menu isn't changing with the occult Sims

★ Expert

If you are making your Sim vampires by having them bitten, then the Needs menu doesn't change until the vampire transformation is complete. If the change is complete, and you still don't have the Vampire Needs, it's probably due to mods. I just checked several occult types (Spellcaster, Werewolf, Mersim, and Vampire) and they all had the correct Needs panels in my game.

Message 2 of 4 (170 Views)

Re: My needs menu isn't changing with the occult Sims

★★★ Newbie

I just removed my mods folder, and it's still white. The vampire energy is still there, but isn't it supposed to be black instead of white and bigger? (Similar to the spellcaster one but just in the black vampire theme)

Message 3 of 4 (147 Views)

Re: My needs menu isn't changing with the occult Sims

★ Expert

If the Needs panel is showing Vampire Energy then it's probably correct. It should also have Thirst in place of Hunger and no Bladder need at all. 

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Message 4 of 4 (134 Views)

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