Infinite Loading Screen

by nik100000000000

Original Post

Re: Infinite Loading Screen

★★★ Novice
@crinrict Okay,
I was able to load in without the EP but the game turned my apartments into generic lots although each had a family living in it and an option to sell the business/retail lot (as if it still was a residential rental), but the lots were in a City Living type of shell when I entered build mode, where I couldn't delete walls or doors if I weren't building in the inside of my property (what I had designated as RR Unit). So I tried to place down another lot but it gave an error, so I tried to bulldoze but it took forever so I quit (I'd consider unplayable at that point)

But lastly I added For Rent back in and was able to fix the residential rentals by turning then from generic lots to RR, although it gave me another infinite loading screen, I reverted then from generic to RR and bulldozed them, only then I was able to make it generic and it finally would work.

It took so much effort but it actually turned out okay, no infinite loading screens on sight. Being honest, for most people I would literally recommend deleting FR and backing up the families to start in a new fresh save file through the Library.

Alright, sorry for the long text, I'm very grateful to you!
Message 11 of 14 (252 Views)

Re: Infinite Loading Screen

@nik100000000000 Happy to hear it at least turned out ok.

Remember to keep backups. It's possible that something similar happens again with the rentals.

Good Luck


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Message 12 of 14 (250 Views)

Re: Infinite Loading Screen

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

@crinrictTypical response to disable something one purchased because it’s broken. And that is a satisfactory solution. So I spend days creating a brand new world from blank save, did not play with it. Lovestruck comes out and corrupts lots from the previous expansion and EA is a ok with that? So after every update I need to start a new save because EA will just damage the previous one? My carefully crafted save is trash after every update or at least the last three. I am done with sims 4. I just regret I spend so much money on a game. I can’t play this game at all. Buying a game, kit, expansion pack is like signing up for a world of broken trash. I been playing the sims franchise since sims 1. Never have I ever dealt with such poorly designed broken game. People said sims 3 was broken but I used one mod in that game and it only crashed because I had a poor computer. Now I’m on a gaming laptop and this game is broken all the time. Not even exaggerating. I spend more time updating and fixing this game then playing it lol

Message 13 of 14 (208 Views)

Re: Infinite Loading Screen

★ Guide
@nik100000000000 Honestly cudos to you. Because I created a brand new load from a blank save. Took me weeks. Never played with it and Lovestruck effed it up. I wouldn’t get Lovestruck if I’d known this would happen. It’s a terribly shallow and bad expansion (which doesn’t even deserve to be called an expansion). The problem I am having is that my game has never ending load screens on all lots. Rental, generic, residential and non residential. It loads and stops in one or two lots. I might try what you said, but the fact that this error occurred at all is on EA. Their lack of customer care or disrespect to paying customers. Thank god they make games not medicine because someone would have been dead by now and not just the game. lol
Message 14 of 14 (203 Views)

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