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Important Threads
September - last edited September
@crinrictTypical response to disable something one purchased because it’s broken. And that is a satisfactory solution. So I spend days creating a brand new world from blank save, did not play with it. Lovestruck comes out and corrupts lots from the previous expansion and EA is a ok with that? So after every update I need to start a new save because EA will just damage the previous one? My carefully crafted save is trash after every update or at least the last three. I am done with sims 4. I just regret I spend so much money on a game. I can’t play this game at all. Buying a game, kit, expansion pack is like signing up for a world of broken trash. I been playing the sims franchise since sims 1. Never have I ever dealt with such poorly designed broken game. People said sims 3 was broken but I used one mod in that game and it only crashed because I had a poor computer. Now I’m on a gaming laptop and this game is broken all the time. Not even exaggerating. I spend more time updating and fixing this game then playing it lol
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