Cant interact with infant, but other household members can

by Stolkerkiss

Original Post

Accepted Solution

Cant interact with infant, but other household members can

★★★ Newbie

honestly not sure if this is a mod or cc issue, but the title is what the issue is. here are screenshots from my main sim trying to interact with the infant second stage (where they get one trait)( (adopted it in)) 



and then here are the options when a different household member tries to interact with it


Message 1 of 4 (309 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Cant interact with infant, but other household members can

@Stolkerkiss Have you tried either using the "ask to be introduced to" interaction, or while playing as another household member click on the infant and choose "introduce to..."?

Basically, while your Sim is considered a stranger to the infant, they have very limited interactions between each other.
I am a Volunteer for Answers HQ, I do not work for EA

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Message 2 of 4 (302 Views)

All Replies

Re: Cant interact with infant, but other household members can

@Stolkerkiss Have you tried either using the "ask to be introduced to" interaction, or while playing as another household member click on the infant and choose "introduce to..."?

Basically, while your Sim is considered a stranger to the infant, they have very limited interactions between each other.
I am a Volunteer for Answers HQ, I do not work for EA
Message 2 of 4 (303 Views)

Re: Cant interact with infant, but other household members can

★★★ Newbie
@PipMenace yeah, i did that quite a few times, and i was even good friends with the baby before it reached second infant stage (or whichever its called, where its still not a toddler yet)
Message 3 of 4 (296 Views)

Re: Cant interact with infant, but other household members can

★★★ Newbie
@PipMenace actually im dumb, it fixed it. sorry about that lol
Message 4 of 4 (295 Views)

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