Re: Daily Login Rewards are Confusing

by EA_Darko

Original Post


Re: Daily Login Rewards are Confusing

Community Manager

Understand that you are frustrated @Unicornfarts1337 but no need to swear.

I edited your post to remove it and would ask that you refrain from swearing going forward.


Message 71 of 72 (228 Views)

Re: Daily Login Rewards are Confusing

★★★★ Novice

I want to amend my earlier post about the "packs owned" filter on the gallery. I have no idea when they fixed it, but it's working now. The filter actually does what it's supposed to do for the first time I can remember. This makes things way more tolerable for me, since I don't have to endlessly scroll anymore trying to find lots and households that I can use.


However, I still take issue with the timed events and rewards. My past complaints stand, even if I'll still be able to use the gallery. And I especially don't like the event popups in the corner that I keep having to close. I wish I could just opt out of the whole event rather than seeing things open every time I change Sims.

Message 72 of 72 (22 Views)

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