why iranian players cant play on origin?


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why iranian players cant play on origin?

★ Apprentice
im iranian player
i bought BF4 and i was one of the best of players that played all along 24 hours
but now i cant play any origin games
because of im iranian?
when i did choose to be iranian?
did some body choose american or german or other when he was borning?
why i had not access to playing because of i am iranian?
who decided to ban iranians?
how do you feel if i was origin admin and origin was iranian server and i tell you YOU ALL AMERICAN guys cant play on origin
because i dont want
you are treating like trump?
then thats not human decided .
mybe another time instead of origin you banned water and air for some body.
best regards to your human soul.
thats enough for this time.
Message 1 of 5 (936 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: why iranian players cant play on origin?

Hero (Retired)
The United States puts the embargos on certain countries. Iran is one of them.

If the Electonic Arts were to give an access to its services to the Iranian community, then the United States could fine the Electronic Arts for not following the regulations.

It is sad, however, nothing can be done at this time from EA's side.

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Message 4 of 5 (877 Views)

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Re: why iranian players cant play on origin?

Champion (Retired)



i am really  sorry to read that you are unable to use origin in your country. Please check this thread for further information http://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Origin-Unable-To-Connect-From-Iran/td-p/5554407 .





Message 2 of 5 (917 Views)

Re: why iranian players cant play on origin?

★ Apprentice

Actually im not iranian.

you can see my first location I installed origin and I boughtthese games.

but for some duty we came here and have to be here .

thats why Im angry to be near iranians and cant play like that time 

Message 3 of 5 (855 Views)

Re: why iranian players cant play on origin?

Hero (Retired)
The United States puts the embargos on certain countries. Iran is one of them.

If the Electonic Arts were to give an access to its services to the Iranian community, then the United States could fine the Electronic Arts for not following the regulations.

It is sad, however, nothing can be done at this time from EA's side.
Message 4 of 5 (878 Views)

Re: why iranian players cant play on origin?

★ Apprentice

Oh im so sorry 

you do what is good for origin. we will try find ways to connect and enjoy your best games.

surly iranians and all players of world know this ORIGIN working hard to make fun for players.

one of them is download speed on origin cilent  

one of them games like bf3 bf4 bf1 and titan fall.

I bought that game realy handsome graphic and game play.

ok sorry if I made mistake and said something wrong .

mark this topic as [SOLVED]

Message 5 of 5 (821 Views)