July 2017
im trying to buy a prime titan n titanfall 2 and when i hit buy and the in gmae origin hud pops up and over the period of 8 hrs dosent load adn i have tried to buy a prime from anywhere but cant
July 2017
Clear your local browsing history https://help.ea.com/en/help/faq/clearing-your-browsers-cache/
Restart your machine and try to buy from Origin Store.
If you issue persists you can order from the Origin Store on the web.
To order a game through origin.com :
-launch your browser you use.
-type in search field origin .com
-go to origin.com.
-browse or search for a game you want
-click Buy
NOTE if you are running any other programs that have a game overlay - some of these programs interfere with Origin's ability to create the Origin In Game overlay.
Try disabling the overlay in those programs' settings menu, or closing those programs, then try again.
Programs i've seen users report issues before, include FRAPS, Bandicam, MSI Afterburner, NVIDIA ShadowPlay, ASUS Sonic Studio,BitDefender etc.
And you can try a Clean Boot https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/FAQ/how-to-clean-boot-your-pc/.
And run the setup file Origin with Admin rights http://help.ea.com/en/article/how-do-i-run-a-program-or-a-game-as-an-administrator/#2
My Opinion is no more important or right than yours.I'm a gamer like you, trying to help you (i'm not an EA employee).