how to get tournament admin code?

by OnJ-ZeroFour

Original Post

Accepted Solution

how to get tournament admin code?

★★★★★ Novice

I wanna make some apex legends tournament at my country, how can i get tournament admin code?

Message 1 of 17 (183,355 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: how to get tournament admin code?

Community Manager

For those who may come across this topic at a later date, we've now added the ability to create private matches directly in Apex Legends!


Reaching out through the previously linked community guidelines page is no longer necessary as everyone will have access to this option in-game.


Please check out the FAQ linked below for more details on how to set up a private match.


Apex Legends FAQ - An Official EA Site


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Message 17 of 17 (3,976 Views)

All Replies

Re: how to get tournament admin code?

Community Manager

Hi @OnJ-ZeroFour


All the details we have regarding Apex Legends tournaments are over at the website:


If you have questions you can reach out at the email address listed at the bottom of the article for more info. 




Message 2 of 17 (183,316 Views)

Re: how to get tournament admin code?

★★★★★ Novice

I still don't understand how I as a normal player can create private tournaments and how to get the Admin codes? Or is the Admin code just a code you enter yourself and let people enter the same?

Message 3 of 17 (183,178 Views)

Re: how to get tournament admin code?

★★★★ Novice

Hey I'm from sri lanka and the apex community here try to hold matches so the community can play against each other, so all the player try to q up at the same time to get in a one match all together, we would love if u could help community's like us even with a small sever that can only fit 30 people

Message 4 of 17 (183,154 Views)

Re: how to get tournament admin code?

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice

@OnJ-ZeroFourYou can just type in any 6 characters, click ''Create Match'' and it will set your gamemode to ''Private tournament''. I haven't figured out how to start the game yet though.


Quick edit: I think you can only start the game by having some amount players type in your Admin Code to join the game. When you create your code I think all you really do is host the game yourself.

Message 5 of 17 (182,894 Views)

Re: how to get tournament admin code?

★★★★ Novice
@K9V1 so how exactly do i set up and get it to start?
Message 6 of 17 (179,021 Views)

Re: how to get tournament admin code?

★★★★ Novice

I understand that i put in my own 6 digit code into the box for private tournaments, but how exactly do I ensure people are in. and how do I even start it up? i hit ready up and it ready's then un-ready's and then nothing. 

Message 7 of 17 (179,025 Views)

Re: how to get tournament admin code?

★★★ Newbie

I don't know how either! This is stupid I wanted to make a tournament only for my friends so we can play trios! This is bull****! (Sorry for my language)

Message 8 of 17 (177,657 Views)

Re: how to get tournament admin code?

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice
Message 9 of 17 (176,682 Views)

Re: how to get tournament admin code?

★★★ Newbie

You do not answer the question with your link, we have already seen it 2 times.


Can someone from EA or Respawn respond?


We can enter a 6-digit code to create a tournament. But how do we start it? Do we have to be 60 in minimum?

How many squad minimum?


How to start it?


Can you explain it to us?



Message 10 of 17 (176,552 Views)