When origin does this on a MAC and you've tried everything, what do you do.?

by Gurlzup-heather

Original Post

Accepted Solution

When origin does this on a MAC and you've tried everything, what do you do.?

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

At first my game library wasn't loading. I uninstalled and re installed origin in hopes that would work. Now I can't even log in. I've tried first aid and the resetOrgin app. Nothing is working. I know for a fact that there was a Sims update and honestly, I was just trying to log on to get that. But, if the the whole launcher isn't working now, then that's a whole different problem. I can't even get the log in screen to load. I've attached a screen shot of what it is doing now. Like I've said, I've already tried reinstalling, first aid and ResetOrgin. Nothing has worked. I would love help fast. HAs anyone solve this issue? How? I should add that my Mac is completely up to date. 

Message 1 of 4 (599 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: When origin does this on a MAC and you've tried everything, what do you do.?

[ Edited ]

@Gurlzup-heather  Run the Origin reset tool again, and please temporarily disconnect any USB devices, just to see whether it helps.


You can also try a clean uninstall, which removes one file that the reset tool doesn't catch:




If these steps don't work, you can try the others in this Origin troubleshooting thread:




If nothing else makes a difference, do another hard uninstall, create a new admin user account on your Mac (make sure the name uses only letters and numbers, no special characters), and try to login using that account.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.

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Message 4 of 4 (517 Views)

All Replies

Re: When origin does this on a MAC and you've tried everything, what do you do.?

@Gurlzup-heather  Do you have any proxies enabled?  That can cause the blank screen.  Here's how to disable proxies:




I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 2 of 4 (554 Views)

Re: When origin does this on a MAC and you've tried everything, what do you do.?

★★ Novice

I just tried that and it didn't fix the problem.

Message 3 of 4 (539 Views)

Re: When origin does this on a MAC and you've tried everything, what do you do.?

[ Edited ]

@Gurlzup-heather  Run the Origin reset tool again, and please temporarily disconnect any USB devices, just to see whether it helps.


You can also try a clean uninstall, which removes one file that the reset tool doesn't catch:




If these steps don't work, you can try the others in this Origin troubleshooting thread:




If nothing else makes a difference, do another hard uninstall, create a new admin user account on your Mac (make sure the name uses only letters and numbers, no special characters), and try to login using that account.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 4 of 4 (518 Views)