Trouble with Repairing The Sims 4

by HotatoA123

Original Post

Trouble with Repairing The Sims 4

★★★ Newbie

Hi Guys :eahigh_file:,


I was repairing my Sims 4 and when it got to finalizing it got stuck there and still is.Frown

Can you guys help me?




Message 1 of 2 (182 Views)

Re: Trouble with Repairing The Sims 4

★★★★★ Expert

Hi @HotatoA123


Clear Origin cache


Delete temp files: open the Start Menu and type %temp%  in the Search field  or click in the Run option in the Start Menu and type %temp% in the Run field.Press Enter and a Temp folder should open. You can delete all files found in this folder, and if any files are in use, they can be skipped.


Restart your machine.


Run the setup file Origin with Admin rights  and now try again Repair .


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Retired champion.
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