New Origin=ALL BAD

by gcarrell20078

Original Post

Accepted Solution

New Origin=ALL BAD

★★★ Newbie

When Origin updated I received a message saying my login credentials expired and to log back in. Well, I guess I had to re-sign up for an EA account, even though my email has been associated with Origin and EA for a number of years. So now I am finally able to get back on the Origin app, and all of my games are gone from the account. I have 3 installed on my computer, but there is no product code in the emails to re-activate on Origin. Picked up Dead Space when it was free, and NFS when it was free.. both are gone. I have been dealing with this for a couple weeks and still no response from EA/Origin. 3/28/16 is when Origin updated. I have confirmed my email but my account is all messed up. EA FIX THIS BS PLEASE!!!!!

Message 1 of 3 (320 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: New Origin=ALL BAD

Community Manager

@gcarrell20078 Hi,

If you signed up again you created a new account, which unfortunately won't have the same games your old account had. You will need to contact an EA Game Advisor in order to get access to your old account again:
You can find details on how to do so here:

Log in with your new EA Account and choose "Origin" as Product, your Platform, "Manage my account" as Topic, select "Find missing game" and describe your issue (including the name of the old account or any other information you might have) to see all available contact options.
If there is no phone support or live chat available at the time, please scroll down below the Answers HQ box to check our live support availability for your region.

Thank you,

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Message 2 of 3 (355 Views)

All Replies

Re: New Origin=ALL BAD

Community Manager

@gcarrell20078 Hi,

If you signed up again you created a new account, which unfortunately won't have the same games your old account had. You will need to contact an EA Game Advisor in order to get access to your old account again:
You can find details on how to do so here:

Log in with your new EA Account and choose "Origin" as Product, your Platform, "Manage my account" as Topic, select "Find missing game" and describe your issue (including the name of the old account or any other information you might have) to see all available contact options.
If there is no phone support or live chat available at the time, please scroll down below the Answers HQ box to check our live support availability for your region.

Thank you,

Message 2 of 3 (356 Views)

Re: New Origin=ALL BAD

★★★ Newbie

miert van az hogy mar bejelentkeztem itt de nem mennek az online modok

hogy kell megcsinalni

Message 3 of 3 (256 Views)